(16) And he had (or, having) in his right hand seven stars.--The stars are explained later on (Revelation 1:20) to be the emblems of the angels of the seven churches; they are described as stars in His right hand; they, perhaps, appeared as a wreath, or as a royal and star-...
that it rain not in the days of their prophecy; that is, on their enemies, the antichristian party; for otherwise it must rain on those to whom they minister, their prophecy itself being rain in a spiritual sense: so rain is explained of prophecy in the Targum on (Isaiah 5:6) , whi...
“No mere impostures are here foretold. Men are deceived by the miracles which Satan’s agents have power to do, not which they pretend to do.” [34] Therefore the “fire” depicted in the previous verse must be just as real as the fire of the LORD in Elijah’s time. Doubtless, ...
Whether it was loyalty that kept them from repenting, or that they were so intimidated by Abaddon that they could not, is a detail yet to be explained. But one thing is clearly suggested: this assault of the armies of Wormwood, the false Christ, against the armies of Abaddon, will be ...
Verse 20. - And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues; the rest of mankind (Revised Version). That is, the two thirds (ver. 18). Some understand "these plagues" to refer to the first six trumpets. It may be so, but it seems more correct to limit it to ...
All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that hath been made. (John 1:3) This verse reveals the fact that Jesus not only pre-existed the creation, it announces that it was indisputably through Him that the creation came into being. In one of his letters John...
Verse 2 The Deadly Blow The Tricky Beast The Ark and the Beast To Become or Not To Become Like a Lamb Fire From Heaven The Sign of the Son of Man The Sign of Signs Image of the Beast The Mark 666 666 Revealed Sign of the Name ...
sacraments (as defined by the Council of Trent) is described by the phrase ex opere operato (“from the work done”), which is best explained briefly by saying that the faith and virtue of the minister neither add to the sacrament by their presence nor detract from it by their absence....
But, he explained, he feared that if any attempt was made to correct this false doctrine and publicly confess the truth, many of their members, especially those of older standing and heavy tithe payers, would be unable to accept it. He feared they would lose confidence in the Church if ...
” Revelation 6 opens the “vexing” of Ps. 2:5, introductory to setting the king on Zion (Ps. 2:6; Rev. 20:4). The vision (7:9-14) reverses the order of events as they will be fulfilled. Verse 13, describes the scene in heaven (cp. Rev. 5:6-10) which, in fulfillment, ...