5、认真观看,P4 Return-to-libc Attack Lecture https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1v4411S7mv 大概说下视频的内容。 为了抵御缓冲区溢出,操作系统采用了一种成为“不可执行栈” 的防御措施,它将程序的栈标记位不可执行,这样即使攻击者能够注 入恶意代码到栈中,代码也无法被执行。然而,这种防御措施能被另 一...
run a command of our choice. This function does not run our command directly; it invokes /bin/shto run our command. Therefore, the countermeasure in /bin/dash immediately drops the Set-UIDprivilege before executing our command, making our attack more difficult. Todisable this protection, welink...