Return-to-libc Attack 学习目标是获得关于缓冲区攻击的有趣变种的一手体验;此攻击可以绕过当前在主要Linux操作系统中实现的现有保护方案。利用缓冲区过度漏洞的常见方法是使用恶意shellcode将缓冲区过度流动,然后导致易受攻击的程序跳转到存储在堆栈中的shellcode。为防止这些类型的攻击,一些操作系统允许系统管理员使堆栈...
return-into-libcreturn-oriented programmingturingcompleteSummary: Return-into-libc (RILC) is one of the most common forms of code-reuse attacks. In this attack, an intruder uses a buffer overflow or other exploit to redirect control flow through existing (libc) functions within the legitimate ...
there exists a variant of buffer-overflow attack called the return-to-libc attack, which does not need an executable stack; it does not even use shell code. Instead, it causes the vulnerable programto jump to some existing code, such as the system() function in the libc library, which...
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalLicense. If you remix, transform, or build upon...
return to labc实验指导书 urn-to-libcAttackLab1 Return-to-libcAttackLab 1LabOverview 本实验室的学习目标是让学生在一个有趣的变体上获得第一手的经验 缓冲区溢出攻击,该攻击可以绕过现有的保护方案,目前主要实施 操作系统。利用缓冲区溢出漏洞的一种常见方法是溢出缓冲区 一个恶意的shellcode,然后导致脆弱的...