Syntax returncode [-r return code number] [-m mode] Arguments [-r return code number] The return code number; if not specified all return codes are shown. [-m mode] This argument can take the following values: ● on ● off If mode on is chosen, the return code is displayed ...
SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Release 751, ©Copyright 2017 SAP AG. All rights reserved. ABAP - Keyword Documentation→ ABAP Programming Guidelines→ Robust ABAP→ System Fields→ Return Code Background The most prominent system field should be the return code sy-subrc. This indicates the successful ...
}thrownewIllegalArgumentException("Missing user points for campaign wit id "+ campaignId);//$NON-NLS-1$} 開發者ID:SAP,項目名稱:cloud-sfsf-benefits-ext,代碼行數:10,代碼來源 示例14: startCampaign ▲點讚 2▼ importorg.apache.olingo.odata2.api.annotation.edm.EdmFunctionImport....
当传输请求从 A 系统传输到 B 系统后,请求内包含的 ABAP 对象(比如 ABAP 类,ABAP数据字典元素,ABAP 报表等)需要被激活才能够正常使用。如果激活过程中出错,就会遇到ended with return code x的错误消息,此时 x 是一个大于零的整数。 引起传输请求在 B 系统激活出错后的最常见原因,就是传输请求的依赖关系没有...
Solved: Dear SAP Support, Using the installer "GUI770_9-70004692.EXE" When installing SAP GUI, the user reported that "Return-Code" in
se09释放请求号报错:ended with return code :===>8<===这个问题该如何解决? 这是ABAP Transport Request 释放时的一个 Generic 错误消息。熟悉 ABAP 编程的朋友都知道,很多 ABAP 关键字执行后,通过系统变量sy-subrc的值来判断是否执行成功,0 代表成功,4 或者 8 代表失败。
1AETW065 check-sum error in datafile after "1972" bytes. 2EETW000 Please contact the SAP support. exiting ... R3trans finished (0016). tp returncode summary: TOOLS: Highest return code of single steps was: 16 WARNS: Highest tp internal warning was: 0101 tp finished with return code: 16...
Check in tcode: VL02N outpound delivery Return delivery gets created. Post the goods issue. Then the process is same after return delivery, credit memo will be created. Case 2: Normal vendor return with movement type 122 with automatic delivery. ...
Stock movement can happen between plant to plant with different company code which we refer as Inter company STO (Stock transfer order). Return can take place from receiving plant to supply plant due to the various reasons (e.g. - product defect, damage etc.) This document...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi pandu, It depends on the result of that ABAP statement. And the return code is checked using sy-subrc and its value is 0 when the command is succesful and all other times the command is unsuccessful but each value has there own meaning. Regards, ...