SAP Managed Tags: Security Everytime I run a trace in ECC, I see looot of objects showing up with return codes 4 and 12. Most of the objects which receive the RC=12 are not needed for user. I don't know why RC = 4 shows up even when the authorization values exist in the us...
These message numbers and codes are in the TCPERRNO.H include file supplied with TCP/IP Services. Error numberMessage nameSocket typeError descriptionProgrammer's response 1EAI_NONAMEGETADDRINFO GETNAMEINFONODE or HOST cannot be found.Ensure the NODE or HOST...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, in abap all most all open sql statements which r used on internal tables returns return value for ex: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE MODIFY, APPEND returns return value as 0, 4,8,... based on situation and condition where they are used. ex: SEL...
NNNN: sequential number of the message X: type of message: I: information W: warning E: error message The text of the message contains the following variables: %s: string %d: integer %f: real number in floating-point format In most cases, the SAP tools issue a group of messages, which...
CS_RC_SAP_ATTR_MISSING (-241) 視您的儲存庫而定,這個回覆碼具有下列其中一項意義: 若為項目類型,僅定義了Content Collector for SAP所需的部分屬性。 若為應用程式群組,僅定義了Content Collector for SAP所需的部分資料庫欄位。 若為文件類別,僅定義了Content Collector for SAP所需的部分內容。
Content Collector for SAP在尝试使用证书时失败。 CS_RC_COMPNOTFOUND(-206) 在存储库中找不到要向其追加数据的组件。它可能不存在。 CS_RC_CONTREP_NOTFOUND(-207) 在服务器配置概要文件中找不到所指定的逻辑归档。 CS_RC_INVALIDOFFSET(-208)
If logon is unsuccessful because the system is down or unavailable you can read the GUI logs and get the return codes...Gui log is on SapWorkDir and its called errorlog If its because of user issues... then you can see it on SM21 as suggested or also at the Security Audit log if...