this will free up roughly $200,000 a year in after-tax children related expenses, which is equivalent to roughly $333,300 in gross income based on their 40% effective total tax rate.
I won’t literally move it in this case. Instead, I’ll move the money to my taxable investment account. I’ll sell ~$85k ofVanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI)in a retirement account(likely my Roth IRA or rollover IRA)and buy the VGSLX there. Then I’ll buy ~$85k of VTI in...
Next client is 66. She just bought a house with $200K down but owes $400K mortgage on it. The problem is that she owns two businesses that are losing tons of money. She is very worried that suppliers will start suing the company for unpaid debt. Well, that’s easily solved with Chap...
We are on YouTube May 1, 2023 8:00 AM ... YouTube Video VVVvVTBidWh3VnBselhyc3lmMzQybk9nLlBaUFA1MllMek44 9 Ways to Generate Tax Free Retirement Income Retirement CrusadersApril 24, 2023 9:03 AM *Advancements in Aging - See how technology can replace human caretakers, solve hearing lo...