You’ll find more tips about improving this section, and the next one, in our blog7 Things that Will Go Extinct in Job Descriptions. 3. Requirements and qualifications Requirements and qualifications also tends to be an extra-long section in job descriptions. Here are a couple of tips on h...
But if you file online using SOSDirect, your LLC will be approved in 10-12 business days. Or, if you file online using SOSUpload, your LLC will be approved in 13-15 business days. Please see How long does it take to get an LLC in Texas to check for any delays. Here are the ste...
You can buy your own pension (i.e. aSingle Premium Immediate Annuity (SPIA)). In exchange for a lump sum of money, an insurance company will pay you a benefit every month until the day you die. This will put a floor under your retirement savings and ensure you never run out of mone...
Now simply take that $3,000 in monthly debt and divide it by our original monthly income figure of $8,333. That gives us a debt to income ratio of 36%. This number is below the maximum and should be sufficient to get a mortgage, as long as you qualify otherwise. By the way, the...
–You may also use retirement accounts, but lenders typically only consider 70% of the total, so factor that in to ensure you have enough to cover reserves. *This can vary based on your individual lender’s guidelines. –If you plan on using business accounts for assets, you’ll likely ...
After the FI Laboratory was completed, I felt like I had everything in place from an investment standpoint. The problem was, I still wanted to take action and speed up my journey to early retirement. That’s when I started looking into new ways to optimize. ...
(By the way — the actual income level is irrelevant to the calculation, as you will see below, so use whatever income works for you. The key is the percentage of income that is dedicated to savings.) Using one of my handyretirement calculators,we'll determine how long it takes to sav...
Early Retirement Now has a long, involved series of posts, but in short, the SWR of 4% assumes you’re spending all your money, so you have little margin for error. He suggests 3% is more appropriate for the FIRE crowd especially if you want to leave some of your nest egg (or a ...
Reality check: Not all bloggers earn money.Of those who make money, not all make a living. And not even all make a decent side income. But what’s also true is that a lot of bloggers succeed. The opportunity you’re looking at is: Joining 31% of bloggers
JL will provide plenty of good material on how to invest, and MMM provides motivation after they’ve already been primed by Ramsey. If they’re still looking for more at that point, I point them to this blog and Early Retirement Now. You really got to be all in to get stoked about ...