Role of clinical attachments in psychiatry for international medical graduates to enhance recruitment and retention in the NHSdoi:10.1192/bjb.2023.59UNITED KingdomPSYCHIATRYNATIONAL health servicesMEDICAL studentsMENTAL health servicesAims and method: There are numerous challenges in the recruitme...
In the United Republic of Tanzania, as in many regions of Sub-Saharan Africa, staff shortages in the healthcare system are a persistent problem, particularly in rural areas. To explore staff shortages and ways of keeping workers in post, we ask, (a) Which cadres are most problematic to rec...
We selected medical sciences databases including PubMed because of having related articles about medical sciences such as nursing. We also search citation databases such as Web of Science and Scopus because of indexing medical sciences documents and accessing to more related records by cited or citing...
The main limitation of this study is the retrospective nature of the data collection, so it is possible that some adverse events may have been due to concomitant AEDs or other medications, and that some adverse reactions were not recorded in the medical records. The main strength of this study...
Recruitment of participants to, and their retention in, randomised controlled trials (RCTs) is a key determinant of research efficiency, but it can be challenging [1]. Reviews of clinical trials funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR...
Participants are covered by indemnity for negligent harm resulting from provision of WORKWELL through the standard NHS Indemnity arrangements. The University...If a site is encountering difficulty identifying enough numbers during clinic appointments, then potential participants will be identified from medical...
Phase 3: 18-month prospective review of general practice medical records All participants in Phase 1 who gave permission for their GP records to be accessed had their computerised medical records tagged by a member of the Centre's Health Informatics Specialist team. All consultations in the 18-mo...
BMC Medical Research Methodology (2022) 22:44 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Converting from face-to-face to postal follow-up and its effects on participant retention, response rates and errors: lessons from the EQUAL study in the...
Phase 3: 18-month prospective review of general practice medical records All participants in Phase 1 who gave permission for their GP records to be accessed had their computerised medical records tagged by a member of the Centre's Health Informatics Specialist team. All consultations in the 18-mo...
A higher score indicates a better understanding of the advantages of storing a DBS card. (3) Attitudes toward DBS card storage are assessed by examining concerns relating to privacy breaches, data sharing among institutions, linking research information to medical records, lack of immediate individual...