2.(Theology) belief in the possibility of this as part of a religious or mystical system 3.(Theology) the condition of those who have risen from the dead:we shall all live in the resurrection. 4.the revival of something:a resurrection of an old story. ...
He says that this question is rarely mentioned in the Old Testament. In the New Testament this topic does arise more often, but does not show a great significance. However, he answers these questions. What is the importance of life after death during the time that Jesus lived? What are ...
2.(Theology) belief in the possibility of this as part of a religious or mystical system 3.(Theology) the condition of those who have risen from the dead:we shall all live in the resurrection. 4.the revival of something:a resurrection of an old story. ...
In the New Testament, the event which defines and becomes normative for Christian belief about the fate of the dead is the resurrection of Jesus. The most important sources of the resurrection and its meaning in the New Testament are mentioned. Also included is the significance of resurrection ...
Context:As I started this message I mentioned it was written as I contemplated the events of the last few days. Just a few days ago on July 13thformer president of the United States, Donald Trump, who is running once again for president in the upcoming November election, was shot – a ...
The evidence regarding the partitioning of corporeal relics in Gregory of Toursmust therefore remain inconclusive–there is neither a forthright interdiction, nor isthe resurrection mentioned anywhere in these contexts as a reason for keeping saintlybodies intact. But there are further problems with ...
It is very difficult to be comprehensive about the meaning of the resurrection. It is mentioned specifically in 18 of the 27 New Testament books and implied in the rest, so there are many verses that relate to this subject. However, as I survey the New Testament, four overarching themes st...
A couple of sources have mentioned that Baron Samedi can be and is syncretized with Jesus as they both have in common the cross. Or that even Jesus bows to Baron Samedi, even if only one day before his resurrection. Looking over at Congolese cosmology, there is a cross symbol in those...
Notes 1. We list several resurrection theories that violate natural laws : (1) the literal revival theory mentioned in the New Testament ; (2) the reassembly theory (see Bynum (1995) ; Hershenov (2002, 2003) ; (3) the dualistic theory developed by Aquinas ; (4) the body-snatching ...
James is mentioned in the gospel of Mark (6:3) and the gospel of Matthew (13:55). He is in Paul’s list of eyewitnesses who saw the risen Lord (1 Cor. 15: 5-7). Paul mentions that he received his apostleship in the same tradition as the Jerusalem apostles, including Peter and ...