"Resurrection in the Theology of Old Testament Apocalyptic." Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 92 (1980): 267-284.Hasel, G F 1979. Resurrection in the Theology of Old Testament Apocalyptic. ZAW 91: 267- 284.Hasel Gerhard F., „Resurrection in the Theology of Old Testament ...
On The Resurrection Of The Dead Athenagoras of Athens was a Christian thinker of the second century who engaged with contemporary philosophical thought in the matters of the divine, and the relationship of that divine to the material world. While clearly a Christian ap... AO Athens 被引量: 2...
However, when embrimaomai is used elsewhere in the New Testament and in the Greek Septuagint translation of the Old Testament, it is nearly always in the context of anger.[187] The verb is derived from en, "on" + brimomai, "snort with anger, to be indignant."[188] It seems clear ...
respective origins, and it also underlay the theologies of chosenness embraced, in their differing ways, by the two religions. Furthermore, the longstanding claim of the Church that it supersedes the Jews, says Levenson, both continues and transforms elements of the old narrative pattern in ...
Explains the form in which the dead will be raised -- bodily (15:35-58). A Reminder of the Gospel (15:1-2) Paul begins by establishing common ground. He reminds them of the gospel he had preached to them -- which included the resurrection of Christ. ...
After coming to Christ in high school Henry Clay went on to study engineering at Georgia Tech and while there he was discipled by the Navigators. After college he served two years with them in Germany, and in 1981 married his wife Wendy. They have served together in the Navigator ministry...
What two reasons did Jesus give for the Sadducees's error?How do these same reasons cause wrong thinking today?What did Jesus teach about God and those who believe in Him from His reference to theOld Testament?What thoughts about the resurrection of believers encourage you?需要翻译这些提问的...
37In this reading of signs, which is prevalent in theOld Testament but occurs in all kinds of different cultures, earthly events are inter-preted as part of a cycle of retribution in which human misbehaviour is answeredby divine punishment.38Gregory’sHistories, and even more his hagiographic...
因此有人认为,耶稣在逾越节被杀死,并在这一天复活具有深远的意义,耶稣的复活日是星期日,后被基督教定为“复活节”, "The New Testament Holy Bible" records, after Jesus died is interred nearby each every him a tomb chamber, and reactivates after three days.In future he will return to Galilee and...
Since Hick's replica theory is already highly naturalistic, we use Hick's theory as the basis for the RTR. According to Hick, resurrection is the recreation of an earthly body in another universe. The recreation is a resurrection counterpart. We show that the New Testament supports the idea ...