常见的解决方法是将连续变量分类,但类别数目和节点位置的选择往往带有主观性,并且分类往往会损失信息。因此,一个更好的解决方法是拟合自变量与因变量之间的非线性关系,限制性立方(Restricted cubic spline,RCS)就是分析非线性关系的最常见的方法之一。 近年来在Lancet、BMJ等杂志经常见到利用限制性立方样条来拟合非线性关...
因此,一个更好的解决方法是拟合自变量与因变量之间的非线性关系,限制性立方(Restricted cubic spline,RCS)就是分析非线性关系的最常见的方法之一。 近年来在Lancet、BMJ等杂志经常见到利用限制性立方样条来拟合非线性关系。在之前医咖会R语言入门课程第18课《展示非线性关系》中也简单介绍过限制性立方样条的应用()。 ...
因此,一个更好的解决方法是拟合自变量与因变量之间的非线性关系,限制性立方(Restricted cubic spline,RCS)就是分析非线性关系的最常见的方法之一。 近年来在Lancet、BMJ等杂志经常见到利用限制性立方样条来拟合非线性关系。在之前医咖会R语言...
目前SPSS、SAS、STATA、R等都做rcs分析,为了简便,下面将以R语言在cox回归中的应用进行介绍。 library(survival)#加载生存分析的数据和程序 library(rms)#加载包含rcs函数的程序 d=lung#为方便使用,数据明明为d dd=datadist(d);options(datadist='dd')#为后续程序设定数据环境 fit=cph(Surv(time,status)~rcs(...
常见的解决方法是将连续变量分类,但类别数目和节点位置的选择往往带有主观性,并且分类往往会损失信息。因此,一个更好的解决方法是拟合自变量与因变量之间的非线性关系,限制性立方(Restricted cubic spline,RCS)就是分析非线性关系的最常见的方法之一。 近年来在Lancet、BMJ等杂志经常见到利用限制性立方样条来拟合非线性...
I thought I could exponentiate the estimates to have the OR's for each spline, but that doesn't seem to go along with the OR's below. Any help is appreciated!! 0 Likes 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION StatDave SAS Super FREQ Re: Restricted Cubic Splines question Posted 10-14-2021 04:41 PM...
support.sas.com 相似文献 参考文献Generating Spline Wavelets Finally, as an example we list coefficients of the cubic spline wavelets and plot their graphs. 1 Introduction Wavelets have become a very important tool in many applications because of their time-frequency localization property. This .....
(16) str; str = 'Hello World!'; put str; end; enddata; run; quit; CALCULATING RESTRICTED CUBIC SPLINES USING A SAS MACRO A number of people have written SAS® macros that calculate the variables needed to perform a restricted cubic spline analysis, or that perform the analysis for a ...
All analyses were performed using SAS version 9.4 (Cary NC, USA). Table 1 Patient demographics, characteristics and PDC adherence estimates by drug group and overall for users. Full size table Ethical approval This study complies with the Declaration of Helsinki. Ethics approval and waivers of ...