Azure PowerShell Kopija Atidaryti debesies aplinką Start-AzDataProtectionBackupInstanceRestore -BackupInstanceName $AllInstances[2].BackupInstanceName -ResourceGroupName "testBkpVaultRG" -VaultName $TestBkpVault.Name -Parameter $restorerequest
备份VM - PowerShell 备份VM - CLI 备份VM - ARM 模板 备份VM - Bicep 模板 备份Azure PostgreSQL 数据库 配置AKS 群集备份 配置Azure Database for PostgreSQL - 灵活服务器备份 为Azure Blob 配置保管库备份 在AKS 群集中安装备份扩展 启用多用户授权 (MUA) ...
SAP HANA database on Azure VM backup Azure Backup Server (MABS) Azure Backup Server on Azure Stack Data Protection Manager (DPM) Offline backup Monitor and Alerts Reports Automation Overview Built-in Azure Policy for Azure Backup Use PowerShell ...
备份VM - PowerShell 备份VM - CLI 备份VM - ARM 模板 备份VM - Bicep 模板 备份Azure PostgreSQL 数据库 配置AKS 群集备份 配置Azure Database for PostgreSQL - 灵活服务器备份 为Azure Blob 配置保管库备份 在AKS 群集中安装备份扩展 启用多用户授权 (MUA) ...
Azure Backup / Restore with Powershell Hi, i want to restore a file with powershell. My code is: $source = Get-OBRecoverableSource $rps = Get-OBRecoverableItem -Source $source[0] $filesFolders = Get-OBRecoverableItem $rps[0] $item =...Show More Reply View Full Discussion (1 Replies...
Hi, i want to restore a file with powershell. My code is:$source = Get-OBRecoverableSource $rps = Get-OBRecoverableItem -Source $source[0] $filesFolders...
Azure Backup now offers an improved restore experience for Azure Virtual Machines by leveraging the power of ARM templates and managed disks. The new restore experience directly creates Managed Disk(s) and virtual machine (VM) templates.
Please execute following cmdlets from an elevated PowerShell terminal: 1. Login to Azure Account. PS C:> Login-AzureRmAccount 2. Select the subscription which you want to register for the upgrade: PS C:> Get-AzureRmSubscription –SubscriptionName "Subscription Name" | Select-AzureRmSubscription...
To get the list of hosts that are being managed by VMM, run the following cmdlet from a Windows PowerShell command line: Copy $vmhost = get-scvmmserver <VMM management server name> | get-scvmhost For more information, see Get-SCVMMServer and Get-SCVMHost. Back up all of the ...
1. Open PowerShell as Administrator:Always run PowerShell with elevated privileges to manage Hyper-V features. 2. Mount VHDX Using PowerShell: Mount-VHD -Path "C:\Path\To\Your\VirtualDisk.vhdx" 3. Attach VHDX to a New VM: New-VM -Name "RestoredVM" -MemoryStartupBytes 2GB -BootDevice...