步骤1:创建 VM 还原点集合使用az restore-point collection create 命令创建 VM 还原点集合,如下所示:复制 az restore-point collection create --location "norwayeast" --source-id "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/ExampleRg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/ExampleVM" --tags myTag...
步骤1:创建目标 VM 还原点集合 若要将现有 VM 还原点从一个区域复制到另一个区域,第一步是在目标区域中创建一个还原点集合。 为此,请参考创建 VM 还原点集合中详述的源区域中的还原点集合。 Azure PowerShell New-AzRestorePointCollection`-ResourceGroupName'myResourceGroup'`-Name'myRPCollection'`-Location'...
VMRestorePointClientError - 由于 VSS 编写器处于错误状态,还原点创建失败。 错误代码:VMRestorePointClientError 错误消息:由于 VSS 编写器处于错误状态,还原点创建失败。 重启 VSS 编写器服务并重启 VM。 还原点创建会调用 VSS 编写器以将内存中 IO 刷新到磁盘,然后拍摄快照以实现应用程序一致性。 如果 VSS 编写器...
Azure 也可讓您從 Hypervisor 查看 VM 的螢幕快照。 CachingTypes 取得快取類型。 CloudError 來自計算服務的錯誤回應。 ComponentNames 元件名稱。 目前,唯一允許的值是 Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup。 ConsistencyModeTypes RestorePoint 的 ConsistencyMode。 可以在建立還原點時於輸入中指定。 目前,只有 Crash...
On successful completion of step 1, the existing disks connected to the VM are replaced using the selected restore point. In parallel to the step 2, the snapshot created in step 1 is copied to the vault and retained as per the customer specified retention policy. ...
Disk Restore Point Disks Galleries Gallery Application Versions Gallery Applications Gallery Image Versions Gallery Images Gallery In VM Access Control Profile Versions Gallery In VM Access Control Profiles Gallery Sharing Profile Images Log Analytics Operations Proximity Placement Groups Resource Skus Restore ...
Disk Restore Point Disks Galleries Gallery Application Versions Gallery Applications Gallery Image Versions Gallery Images Gallery In VM Access Control Profile Versions Gallery In VM Access Control Profiles Gallery Sharing Profile Images Log Analytics Operations Proximity Placement Groups Resource Skus Restore ...
Using PowerShell makes it quick and easy to see all of the VM sizes so you can get to building your infrastructure, and Az-VM will help you determine the VM sizes you can deploy in specific regions, into availability sets, or what size a machine in your environment is running. Hands-...
You delete the protection group with retaining the recovery point for a VMware VM which is no longer available on the ESX server. If you recreate the new VM with the same name on the same ESX instance and protect again using MABS, the recovery pane creates multiple ent...
You delete the protection group with retaining the recovery point for a VMware VM which is no longer available on the ESX server. If you recreate the new VM with the same name on the same ESX instance and protect again using MABS, the recovery pane creates multiple entries for this VM. ...