Restitution is a very common feature in criminal law when it comes to the sentences of criminal defendants. If it's possible to identify the victim, the judge will order the offender to make restitution to the identified victim. For example, if the offender stole the stereo of the person, ...
The restitution legal definition depends on the laws in a given area. Restitution in criminal cases is a classification of damages that a criminal defendant may be required to pay to compensate a victim for pecuniary losses that the victim may have suffered as a result of the defendant's ...
By failing to give such guidance, the Laraneta court missed an opportunity to ameliorate, at least partially, the confusion that federal courts experience in applying 搂 2259.EBSCO_AspHarvard Law Review
返还请求权,是指权利人对无权占有或侵夺其物的人,有权请求其返还占有物。该项请求权是由所有权所派生的请求权,并且是所有权效力的直接体现,只要他人无权占有或侵夺权利人的财产,权利人都可以通过行使该项请求权而恢复其物权的圆满状态。Restitution involves the court, as part of a sentence in a criminal case...
Synonyms for restitution in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for restitution. 42 synonyms for restitution: compensation, satisfaction, amends, refund, repayment, redress, remuneration, reparation, indemnity, reimbursement, recompense... What are synonyms for re
In the context of Criminal Law, state programs under which an offender is required, as a condition of his or her sentence, to repay money or donate services to the victim or society; with respect to maritime law, the restoration of articles lost by jettison, done when the remainder of the...
California law provides that victims of crime are entitled to recoverthe full amount for any reasonablelossesor expenses.6Theprosecutorin criminal court is not even allowed to reduce this amount of restitution during a plea bargain, because he/she has no right to waive any claims on the victim...
Restitution of conjugal rights is a positive remedy granted to a spouse in order to protect their marriage. Learn more about conjugal rights in India here.
CASE LAW NEWS ROOM SUPPORT CONNECT Loading An international framework to ensure human dignity and social justice. A victim of crime cannot be a 'forgotten man', in the criminal justice system. Reparation is inherent rights of the victim and one must fight until the end. The rise of the re...
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