On the other hand, in a criminal case, a restitution judgment may force the defendant to financially compensate the plaintiff for harm caused or the value of goods stolen. This is recognized as criminal restitution. What Is the Difference Between Restitution and Compensation? The difference between...
A restitution hearing is a proceeding in a criminal case whereby the court determined how much the defendant must pay to compensate the victims of the crime.
Restitution involves the court, as part of asentence in a criminal case, ordering a defendant to compensate the victim for losses suffered as a result of the crime. All states have laws providing that convicted defendants pay restitution to their victims. Public policy favors imposing restitution ...
返还请求权,是指权利人对无权占有或侵夺其物的人,有权请求其返还占有物。该项请求权是由所有权所派生的请求权,并且是所有权效力的直接体现,只要他人无权占有或侵夺权利人的财产,权利人都可以通过行使该项请求权而恢复其物权的圆满状态。Restitution involves the court, as part of a sentence in a criminal cas...
If convicted of domestic violence in a Los Angeles criminal court, you might be ordered to pay victim restitution as a mandatory requirement of probation.
In admiralty law restitution may be ordered when a shipping crew must throw goods overboard to keep the ship afloat. In such a case the owner of the jettisoned goods may gain some recovery for the goods from the owners of the other cargo under the doctrine of restitution. In criminal law ...
Restitution would be issued instead of compensation and could be ordered in a personal injury case. The amount would only cover an out-of-pocket expense in some form, and does not cover emotional distress. In addition, restitution is also found in criminal cases. For instance, the judge ...
Criminal Restitution and Bankruptcy Code Discharge--Another Case for Defining the Scope of Federal Bankruptcy LawMichael J. DonovanNotre Dame L.rev
Synonyms for restitution in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for restitution. 42 synonyms for restitution: compensation, satisfaction, amends, refund, repayment, redress, remuneration, reparation, indemnity, reimbursement, recompense... What are synonyms for re
Restitution of conjugal rights is a positive remedy granted to a spouse in order to protect their marriage. Learn more about conjugal rights in India here.