尽管这里没有任何强制的标准,但流行的做法是API会接收一个请求头X-HTTP-Method-Override,它的值可以是PUT、PATCH或者DELETE三者之一。 注意,用来覆盖HTTP方法的header只能在POST请求中被接受。GET请求永远不能修改服务器上的数据。 HTTP RESPONSE 关于HTTP请求的返回值,有以下几点Best Practice: 采用格式化返回数据,推荐...
1. RESTful API 设计最佳实践 blog.philipphauer.de/re 项目资源的URL应该如何设计?用名词复数还是用名词单数?一个资源需要多少个URL?用哪种HTTP方法来创建一个新的资源?可选参数应该放在哪里?那些不涉及资源操作的URL呢?实现分页和版本控制的最好方法是什么?因为有太多的疑问,设计RESTful API变得很棘手。在这篇文...
尽管这里没有任何强制的标准,但流行的做法是API会接收一个请求头X-HTTP-Method-Override,它的值可以是PUT、PATCH或者DELETE三者之一。 注意,用来覆盖HTTP方法的header只能在POST请求中被接受。GET请求永远不能修改服务器上的数据。 HTTP RESPONSE 关于HTTP请求的返回值,有以下几点Best Practice: 采用格式化返回数据,推荐...
As a last best practice, let's discuss this question:how do you actually implement best practices in your API? Oftentimes, you want to create a quick API so that a few services can interact with one another. Python developers would grab Flask, JS developers would grab Express, and they wo...
4.1 RESTful API设计best practice 张晓深知,优秀的RESTful API设计不仅是技术上的胜利,更是用户体验的升华。她坚信,每一个精心设计的接口背后,都蕴含着设计者对细节的极致追求与对用户需求的深刻洞察。以下是她总结的一些最佳实践: 清晰命名资源:资源的命名应当直观且具描述性,让开发者仅凭名称就能大致猜出其用途。
原文出处:RESTful APIDesign. Best Practices in a Nutshell. 原文:RESTfulAPIDesign. Best Practices in a Nutshell. 作者:Philipp Hauer 项目资源的URL应该如何设计?用名词复数还是用名词单数?一个资源需要多少个URL?用哪种HTTP方法来创建一个新的资源?可选参数应该放在哪里?哪些不涉及资源操作的URL呢?实现分页和版...
7. API versioning I don’t see this very often, but it’s a best practice to version your API. It’s an effective way of communicating breaking changes to your users. Frequently, the version number of the API is incorporated in the API URL, like this:api.com/v1/authors/3/books. ...
Finally, pagination should not be treated as a second thought, and should instead be core to the development process. As you would test your API, test the pagination strategy that supports that API. Test the typical and atypical use cases to ensure the broadest range of use cases is supporte...
好了,既然HTTP1.1规范以及PATCH扩展规范给出明确的说明,那么看来用PUT来实现局部更新确实是不可取的。尽管如此,我们仍能找到很多赞成使用PUT实现局部更新的观点,比如文章“REST API Best Practices 3: Partial Updates - PATCH vs PUT”的观点: REST purists insist that PATCH is the only “correct” way to per...
Designing HTTP and RESTful APIs can be tricky as there is no official and enforced standard. Basically, there are many ways of implementing an API but some of them have proven in practice and are widley adopted. This post covers best practices for building HTTP and RESTful APIs. We’ll talk...