为什么 API 设计如此重要的一个原因是,它可以帮助最终消费者使用您的 API,他们的需求应该成为设计和构建出色 API 的指路明灯。 Eolink 翻译,原文地址:https://swagger.io/resources/articles/best-practices-in-api-design/
If you're to build a well-designedREST API, you'd better know the basics of theHTTP protocol. I truly believethis will help you make better design decisions. I find theOverview of HTTPon the MDN web docs to be a very good read for this. However, as far asREST API designis concerne...
API design best practices Let's think about who the consumers of any web service APIs are. Will it be another system, another software application, or an end-user? Mostly, the consumers of the APIs are another software application or another system itself. So, we can conclude that the cust...
{ "rel":"edit", "method": "put", "href":"/api/status/12345" } ]}} 四、参考链接 RESTful API Design: 13 Best Practices to Make Your Users Happy, by Florimond Manca API design, by MicroSoft Azure (完) 来源:t.cn/EhVCDAW发布...
原文:https://blog.philipphauer.de/restful-api-design-best-practices/ 项目资源的URL应该如何设计?用名词复数还是用名词单数?一个资源需要多少个URL?用哪种HTTP方法来创建一个新的资源?可选参数应该放在哪里?那些不涉及资源操作的URL呢?实现分页和版本控制的最好方法是什么?因为有太多的疑问,设计RESTful API变得很...
原文出处:RESTful APIDesign. Best Practices in a Nutshell. 原文:RESTfulAPIDesign. Best Practices in a Nutshell. 作者:Philipp Hauer 项目资源的URL应该如何设计?用名词复数还是用名词单数?一个资源需要多少个URL?用哪种HTTP方法来创建一个新的资源?可选参数应该放在哪里?哪些不涉及资源操作的URL呢?实现分页和版...
Hands-On RESTful API Design Patterns and Best Practices上QQ阅读APP,阅读体验更流畅 领看书特权 Content negotiation The resources in the RESTful APIs need to deal with different type of representations—not just XML or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), as different clients may need different ...
RPC这种耦合性高,依赖于库的API,大家使用过程务必要非常小心。 参考文献 [1]Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures [2]10 Best Practices for Better RESTful API [3]RESTful API Designing guidelines — The best practices 本文原创自PHP技术大全QQ群的js同学之手。
作者:Philipp Hauer https://blog.philipphauer.de/restful-api-design-best-practices/ 译文:https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000011516151
以下是设计RESTful API的是个最佳实践: 1. 使用名词而不是动词 为了易于理解,为资源使用下面的API结构: Resource Getread Postcreate Putupdate Delete /cars 返回一个car的列表 创建一个新的car 更新car的信息 删除所有的car /cars/2 返回指定的car