May herest in peace. 我們 甚至 沒有 體育 主任 愿 他安息 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 May herest in peace— gone but not forgotten. 愿他安息——他虽已逝去但不会被忘记。 UN-2 May your ashesrest in peace, Julca. 愿你的 骨灰安息, 朱琳卡 ...
Urna - REST in peace Urna is a simple DSL around cauldron to implement REST services. Basics Urna tries to follow the REST style as closely as possible, there are namespaces and resources, and standard requests to these resources will receive proper answers. It includes OPTIONS requests being ...
WikiMatrix The rest retreats. 其余一概宽免。 LASER-wikipedia2 Christians enter into this “sabbath resting” by being obedient to Jehovah and pursuing righteousness based on faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. 基督徒只要服从耶和华,并且由于对耶稣基督所洒的血有信心而力求行义,就能得享这...
WikiMatrix · Women may not be required to work on a legal rest day, · 禁止在法定休息日工作; UN-2 “Domestic workers deserve a weekly rest day and protection under Singapore’s Employment Act like other workers.” 家务工应每个星期休息一天,并应像其他的劳工一样受到新加坡雇用法的保护.”...
“北美时间周五(2018.2.9)晚间由经纪人Tim Husom证实,Jóhann Jóhannsson这位来自冰岛的电影音乐大师于柏林家中辞世,享年48岁;目前死因不明,有待法医进一步解剖厘清。消息一出、震惊全球,包括冰岛众家艺人、Jóhann Jóhannsson所属德国古典音乐大厂Deutsche Grammophon皆发表声明,以悼念这位二十世纪不可多得的电影音乐大师...
It may also be possible to engage the resting state while in ghost form, or dead. You also gain rested XP if you log off while on route between two flight points. ImprovementsThe pandaren racial [Inner Peace] causes players to earn twice as much rested experience ...
WikiMatrix The perception of OIOS as an external rather than an internal audit entity must be laid to rest. 必须摒弃把监督厅看成是一个外部、而不是内部审计机构的看法。 UN-2 But you need to rest! 但是, 你 需要 休息 ! OpenSubtitles2018.v3 YOU SHOULD REALLY TRY TO REST UP. ...
Wiki上的数字太多,概括了你41岁的人生,却显得格外冰冷。一天里的朋友圈都是你的消息,你的照片,你的视频,你的传奇。每个人都用自己的方式,记忆,去释放自己的情绪,哀悼你。可能很多人都和我们一样,不是铁粉,不是科蜜,没有去现场看过你的比赛,没有买过你的球衣,没有买过你的自传,没有挂过你的海报。甚至还...'s_grave Alternative forms roll in one's grave spin in one's grave 1.(idiomatic) to be appalled, offended or disgusted by something, despite being deceased e.g. Beethoven is probably turning in his grave at the way that rock group ...
WikiMatrix Everyone ate their fill, then the adults lay down in the shade to rest while the children played. Tothom va menjar a cor què vols, i tot seguit els adults es van ajeure a l’ombra per reposar mentre els nens jugaven. Literature « By the end of the afternoon he...