Dear Editor, Dear reviewers Thank you for your letter dated February 22. We were pleased to know...
]. We have added a sentence to the Abstract (page 2 line 5, and paragraph to the Discussion ...
The following is a point-to—point response to thetworeviewers’ comments。 Reviewer#1: General comments: Reviewer #1: Page 3, lines 49-50: Is it true that "…the thickness of application agriculture films in some regions in China is less than 0.005 mm”? —The thickness of the commercial...
回复模板来了! 千盼万盼好不容易修回来了,⼀看意见 30-40条,直接崩溃! image 当拿到审稿意见时,千万不要⽓馁,因为⼀次性被录⽤的概率太低了,所以我们要做的事就是: 不断修改论⽂ 不断修改论⽂ 不断修改论⽂ 然后写好“Responses to reviewers回复审稿⼈意见信”,并和修改后的论⽂⼀起...
学术论文标准回复模板 Authors response to reviewers.docx,The reviewers’ comments Reviewers’ comments Author/s’ Response The authors thank the editor and reviewers for the useful feedback to improve current manuscript. The manuscript has now been revise
学术论文标准回复模板 Author´s response to reviewers 热度: 大学本科通用标准精美蓝色扁平化学术毕业论文答辩PPT模板) 热度: 大学本科通用标准精美蓝色学术答辩扁平毕业论文答辩PPT模板) 热度: ResponsetoReviewer1Comments Weappreciateverymuchyourinsightfulcommentsandcritiques.Thesecommentsareveryhelpfulforustorevisethis...
We have revised the manuscript, and would like to re-submit it for your consideration. We have addressed the comments raised by the reviewers, and the amendments are highlighted in red in the revised manuscript. Point by point responses to the reviewers’ comments are listed below this letter....
thereviewers’comments.Wehopethatthese commentshavebeenadequatelyaddressed. #Reviewer1 1.Itmightbegoodtomentionthat biodiversitylossmightbethemost significantnegativeenvironmental impactofroadnetworksglobally. Wehavenoweditedthemanuscriptbasedon thereviewer’scomment. ...
changes into the manuscript to the best of myability. The manuscript has certainly benefited from these insightful revisionsuggestions. I look forward to working with you and the reviewers to move thismanuscript closer to publication in the 杂志名. (这段拍马屁的写得真长哇,憋不出来的可以参考下)...
I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not? I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments. Thank you very much for your consideration. Best ...