there are several problems that need to be addressed. According to your nice suggestions, we have made extensive corrections to our previous draft, the detailed corrections are listed below.2. We sincerely thank the editor and all reviewers for their valuable feedback that we have used...
下面这个就更厉害了,审稿人都说的这么严重了,作者先表示已经更正,然后接着一句话:We will be happy to edit the text further, based on helpful comments from the reviewers.意思是,多亏审稿人的好建议。再铁石心肠的审稿人看见都会会心一笑的吧...
1. response:××× 2. response:××× 3. response:××× 4.response:××× Reviewer 2# 1. ××× 2. ××× 3. ××× 4.×××
Dear Editor, Dear reviewers Thank you for your letter dated February 22. We were pleased to know...
Please see below, in blue, for a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ comments and concerns. All page numbers refer to the revised manuscript file with tracked changes. 2.According to the reviewer’s comments, we have revised the manuscript extensively. If there are any other ...
站在作者的角度,我一般的response to reviewers会是: 1.首先写一段对编辑和审稿人表示感激的话,感谢他们付出的时间和经历,并表示意见很有用,我们针对意见进行了大量的修改。 2.针对每一个审稿人的问题,先用斜体粘贴过来审稿人的问题。之后正如很多人提到的,一定要点对点的回答每一个问题。需要注意的是,一个问题...
《Response to Reviewers 回审稿信 - 知乎》 #知乎##论文#
例如:针对审稿人的第1点建议,我们已对论文进行了广泛修订。修订内容已在修订版中以红色字体标注,并以点对点的形式在回信中详细说明。3. 总体反馈:对审稿人的积极反馈表示感谢,并承诺如发现其他可能的改进空间,将再次进行修订。例如:感谢您对论文质量提出的宝贵建议。如有其他可能改进之处,我们将...
回复审稿意见时是在Response to reviewers里面把所有修改过的语言问题全部写出来呢?还是直接附带上带修改痕迹的版本和修改后的版本呢? 要是按照前面的回复感觉要写的是在是太多,而且有些语言修改不太好表达。要是按照后面的回复又担心给编辑留下不太重视的印象。 到底怎么办呢?金币不多,悬赏五十。谢谢各位了。 返回...