下面这个就更厉害了,审稿人都说的这么严重了,作者先表示已经更正,然后接着一句话:We will be happy to edit the text further, based on helpful comments from the reviewers.意思是,多亏审稿人的好建议。再铁石心肠的审稿人看见都会会心一笑的吧哈哈哈哈...字少感情多,绝对起到了“四两拨千斤"的作用。 再...
给审稿人的意见回信 Response to Reviewers A. 普适的回应:1.We feel great thanks for your professional review work on our article. As you are concerned, there are several problems that need to be addressed. According to your nice suggestions, we have made extensive corrections to our previous ...
Dear Editor, Dear reviewers Thank you for your letter dated February 22. We were pleased to know...
这篇Response to reviewer是投稿到International Journal of Pharmaceutics杂志,给审稿人写的回复意见,内容仅供参考!第1部分:对审稿人进行称呼;第2部分:总述对文稿的修改情况(一般如果文稿进行润色了,最好在这里提及一下),以及夸夸审稿人(夸夸他的意见或者建议很好,对稿件的提升很大,千万不要和审稿人顶,不...
1.对审稿人进行称呼,首先写一段对编辑和审稿人表示感激的话,感谢他们付出的时间和经历,并表示评审意见很有帮助,作者针对意见进行了大量的修改,对稿件的提升很大。 例子: Dear Editors and Reviewers: Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’ comments concerning our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”...
例如:当审稿人提到各种语言问题时,你可以采用以下回答方式:先表示同意,然后详细说明你所采取的措施。下面这个就更厉害了,审稿人都说的这么严重了,作者先表示已经更正,然后接着一句话:We will be happy to edit the text further, based on helpful comments from the reviewers. 意思是,多亏审稿人的好建议...
给审稿人的意见回信 Response to Reviewers A. 普适的回应: 1.We feel great thanks for your professional review work on our article. As you are concerned, there are several problems that need to be addressed. According to your nice suggestions, we have made extensive corrections to our previous...
《Response to Reviewers 回审稿信 - 知乎》 http://t.cn/A69y8F77 #知乎##论文#
4. 结束语:强调修订后的论文已达到专业标准,并期待审稿人与编辑的最终审阅与接纳。例如:根据审稿人和编辑的反馈,论文已进行深入修改,错误已被纠正,整体质量得到提升。我们期待您对修订后的论文给予审阅。在撰写回审稿信时,要保持客观、专业,同时展现对审稿人的尊重与合作意愿。确保每一条回复都具体...
1、Dear Editor,We have studied the valuable comments from you, the assistant editor and reviewers carefully, and tried our best to revise the manuscript. The point to point responds to the reviewer s comments are listed as following:Responds to the reviewer s comments:Reviewer 1Comment 1: in...