Response to Reviewer 1: Thanks for your comments on our paper. We have revised our paper according to your comments: 1. XXXXXXX 2. XXXXXXX 2. Dear Professor ***, Re: An *** Rotating Rigid-flexible Coupled System (No.: JSV-D-06-***) by *** Many thanks for your email of 24 Jun...
首页 文档 视频 音频 文集 续费VIP 客户端 登录 百度文库 互联网 ResponsetoReviewerComments:回答审稿人的意见回答审稿人的意见responsetoreviewercomments ResponsetoReviewerComments:回答审稿人的意见©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销...
Response to Reviewer Comments回答审稿人的意见.doc,Response to Reviewer Comments We thank both the reviewers for their thoughtful/useful comments and suggestions. Their comments have improved the manuscript effectively. We have included almost all of thei
REVIEWER COMMENTS:审稿人的意见 热度: Author’s response to the reviewers’ comments:作者对审稿人的意见的回应 热度: A point by point response to the reviewer´s comments:通过对审稿人的意见,一点一点反应 热度: ResponsetoReviewerComments Wethankboththereviewersfortheirthoughtful/usefulcommentsandsuggestion...
规范的回复审稿人——标准的Response to reviewer 如果说送审是文章被接收的第一步,那回复审稿人就是最为关键的一步,不管是小修还是大修,我们总是小心翼翼,生怕说错话。谁都知道,审稿人掌握生杀大权,伺候好审稿人,自然更多机会给个Accept。 然而面对审稿人的各种提问(刁难),大部分科研狗只会“谢谢”,如果觉得...
从两个角度来说吧:author和reviewer 站在作者的角度,我一般的response to reviewers会是: 1.首先写一段对编辑和审稿人表示感激的话,感谢他们付出的时间和经历,并表示意见很有用,我们针对意见进行了大量的修改。 2.针对每一个审稿人的问题,先用斜体粘贴过来审稿人的问题。之后正如很多人提到的,一定要点对点的回答...
Below answer the reviewer's concerns. Comment 4. (a) Allow users to interactively align physical and genetic maps, or a marker (to serve objective #3). Answer. User-friendliness is one of the major concerns of this project. The technology of Graph- ical User Interface (GUI) will be ...
Point2:Theabstractissomewhatconfusingandshouldbereviewedtoensurethattheactualapproachandimportanceoftheresearchisdemonstrated. Response2:Thanksforyourcomment.Asreviewerkindlysuggested,wehaverevisedtheabstract:Thecurrentstudyarguesthatthecapitalisationeffectofurbanpublicfacilitiesonhousingwillbeconsiderablewhentheaccessibilityor...
求助Response to reviewers具体怎么写?作者 guanlianwu来源: 小木虫 450 9 举报帖子 +关注 审稿意见如下: Reviewers' comments: The Reviewer suggests that the authors have a professional native English speaker correct their manuscript since the meaning of many sentences remains unclear. Therefore this work ...
Responds to the reviewer’s comments: Reviewer 1 Comment 1: in page 3, line 40, we fed rats..." changed to rats were fed with... Response: According to the reviewer’s comment, we have corrected the sentence. Furthermore, we have had the manuscript polished with a professional assistanc...