图1.呼吸系统 英文标注:lymph node淋巴结,right lung右肺,upper lobe上叶,middle lobe中叶,lower lobe下叶,diaphragm横膈,trachea气管,bronchi支气管,left lung左肺,upper lobe上叶,lower lobe下叶,artery动脉,vein静脉,bronchiole细支气管,alveoli肺泡 肺的表面包裹着一层...
系统解剖 呼吸系统 英文版.Respiratory system RespiratorySystem呼吸系统 RespiratorySystem ★CompositionRespiratorytract呼吸道Nose鼻鼻upperrespiratorytractPharynx咽上呼吸道Larynx喉喉lowerrespiratorytractTrachea气管气管下呼吸道Bronchi支气管Lungs肺:pairedorgansofrespirationFunctionsupplythebodywithoxygenandgetridofexcesscarbon...
The respiratory system is a general term for a series of organs that exchange gas between the human body and outside air, including the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, and lung, which are composed of many alveoli, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves, pleura, and other tissues...
The pulmonary system consists of the lungs, airways, pulmonary and bronchial circulation, and chest wall. The lungs consist of lobes, three in the right (upper, middle, and lower) and two in the left lung (upper and lower). Each lobe is again divided into segments and lobules (Fig. ...
Respiratory System Chapter 9. Gastrointestinal Tract Chapter 10. Liver, Gall Bladder and Pancreas Chapter 11. Haemopoietic and Lympho-Reticular Tissues Chapter 12. Genitourinary System Chapter 13. Female Genital System and Breast Chapter 14. Nervous System Chapter 15. Musculo-Skeletal System Chapter 16...
Therespiratorytract、ThelungTheupperrespiratorytract:thenose,pharynxandlarynx,Thelowerrespiratorytract:tracheaandbronchiThemainfunctionoftherespiratorysystemisexchanginggasesinferiorlobe(leftlung)2diaphragm nasalcavity oralcavity trachea rightprincipalbronchus pharynxlarynxleftprincipalbronchus superiorlobe(leftlung)The...
8.Respiratorysystem TheRespiratorySystem呼吸系统 Composition•Respiratorytract呼吸道 –Nose鼻–Pharynx咽upperrespiratorytract–Larynx喉–Trachea气管–Bronchi支气管lowerrespiratorytract•Lungs肺:pairedorgansofrespiration Functionofrespiratorysystem:supplythebodywithoxygenandtogetridofexcesscarbondioxideresultingfromcell...
___ system consists of passages that filter moisten and warm incoming air and transport it into the body, into the lungs, and to the many microscopic air sacs where gases are exchanged 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 respiratory 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 184 lbhaney23 Quizlet上的頂尖...
breathing tube in the body, connecting the upper respiratory system (mouth, nose and throat) to the bronchi leading to the lungs. 气管 气管是由以串“C”型软骨环组成,起于喉部,向下分支 成支气管,进入肺部的长管状结构。气管是人体最大的呼 吸管道,将上呼吸系统(口、鼻、喉)与通向肺部的支气 ...
呼吸系统 Respiratory System 5) Lobes 斜裂 oblique fissure 右肺水平裂 horizontal fissure of right lung ☆ Right lung 上叶 Superior lobe 中叶 Middle lobe 下叶 Inferior lobe horizontal fissure Superior lobe Middle lobe oblique fissure Inferior lobe ☆ Left lung: 斜裂 oblique fissure 上叶 superior lob...