The lungs are organs of the respiratory system and; are covered by a serous membrane. There are two lungs in the body that are divided; into left and right portions. While the lungs do have the same function, the left and right lungs differ in size and appearance. ...
In the data preprocessing phase, CT scan images (JPEG format) and labeled data (JSON format) were resized using the “cv2.resize” function from 512 × 512 pixels to 256 × 256 pixels to minimize the required memory resources (RAM). The interpolation parameter was set to “INTER_...
Anatomy, Ancient Egypt, History, Respiratory systemExamination of ancient Egyptians’ depictions of the respiratory tract, dating back to the 30th century BC, reveals their awareness of the pulmonary anatomy: reinforced with cartilaginous rings, the trachea is split into two main bronchi, which...
If in the erect position: It enters the posterior basal segment because it is the most dependent branch of the bronchial tree (follows the line of gravity). Trachea, Major Bronchi, Thoracic cavity structure, function and anatomy Larynx structure, function, cartilage, muscles, blood supply and vo...
Respiratory function tests2019, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences(IUMS). All rights reserved.Background: The development of pulmonary complications after breast radiotherapy is still controversial. These complications might result in temporary or permanent damage to the lung. The aim of this study ...