In the first case crew 1 is assigned at full units to task b with the resulting Resource Graph showing the assignment distribution. In the second case crew 2 is assigned at a max unit value that exceeds their allowed value. The Resource Graph show the overallocation. Is this what you need...
Primavera2, M. Perillo2 1 CIRA scpa, Via Maiorise snc, 81041 Capua, Caserta, Italy 2 EnginSoft SpA, Via A. Murri, 2 – Z.I., 72023 Mesagne, Brindisi, Italy Engineering structural components made of composite materials is becoming increasingly important for use in various engineering ...
Hello all, I am trying to set up a resource distribution graph based on crew sizes assigned to each resource or given tasks. I am working on a project that limits manpower to 20 people on site at... apike152, Project can't produce the graph you show. What do each of the colored ...
Primavera2, M. Perillo2 1 CIRA scpa, Via Maiorise snc, 81041 Capua, Caserta, Italy 2 EnginSoft SpA, Via A. Murri, 2 – Z.I., 72023 Mesagne, Brindisi, Italy Engineering structural components made of composite materials is becoming increasingly important for use in various engineering ...