User Preferences in Primavera P6(720P_HD) 1 0 02:46 App 25. Duration Types in Primavera P6(720P_HD) 0 0 08:27 App 5. Create and Manage WBS in Primavera P6(720P_HD) 2 0 08:20 App 26. Assign Resources in Primavera P6(720P_HD) 0 0 03:06 App 19. Project Constraint in ...
P6 Field Name codeTypeId CodeTypeObjectId codeTypeName CodeTypeName codeValueCode CodeValue description Description parentId ParentObjectId sequenceNumber SequenceNumber Project Code Type Primavera Cloud Field Name P6 Field Name codeTypeName Name length Length Next: Send Resources and Roles to Primavera Cl...
Aspose.Tasks for Cloud offers the ability to manipulate and convert Microsoft Project MPT, MPP, MPX & Oracle Primavera XER, XML, and PrimaveraP6XML files in Go.Aspose.Tasks Cloud SDK for Gowraps the REST API to make it easier for the developers to integrate MS Project Task Management feature...
Create Schedule Sheet Activities from Primavera P5 and P6 XML Description This method creates activities into an existing Unifier project-level (cost code type CBS) schedule sheet, using the default data mapping. Support This method can only support creation of activities in project-level (cost co...
搜索 内容 P6 Professional 用户指南 Version 17
23. Add Resources in Primavera P6(720P_HD) 她说走走停停不如定定 0 0 4. Project Settings in Primavera P6(720P_HD) 她说走走停停不如定定 0 0 35. Review Progress Status in Primavera P6(720P_HD) 她说走走停停不如定定 0 0 9. Activity Steps in Primavera P6(720P_HD) 她说走走停...