Overcoming Resistance to Change in a Lean CompanyThe term “resistance to change” is commonly used in discussions about Lean. It simply means that people are set in their ways, and often don’t want to modify their routines.Surprisingly, this change resistance doesn’t just occur when people...
While resistance is inevitable, it’s not insurmountable. To overcome it, check out the causes of resistance to change and ways to overcome resistance in your organization.
Group antimicrobial administration is used to control disease in livestock, but we have little insight into how this impacts antimicrobial resistance (AMR) gene dynamics. Here, a longitudinal study was carried out during a single production cycle on a commercial pig unit with high historic and curre...
Because most patients with HCC lose the opportunity for radical treatment (operation or liver transplantation) due to the advanced stage at which the cancer is detected, the long-term outcome of HCC is poor3. To date, sorafenib is the only approved systemic therapy for the treatment of ...
We also found no study examining the overall implications of this policy change on animal, human, and environmental sectors under a “One Health” perspective. Added value of this study To the best our knowledge, this study presents the first national-level analysis of the patterns in colistin ...
Resistances in our local setting remain stable and appear to be lower than reported in other studies. The adoption of EUCAST vs. CLSI criteria did not produce a general change in resistance rates. Findings suggest the need to revise certain empirical criteria, such as aminoglycoside synergy for ...
Long-term sustainability of a single method of controlling tomato pinworms is impossible. Therefore, it is highly advised to adopt the integrated techniques of control to maximize results while avoiding environmental problems [3,84]. In addition, a long-term strategy should be developed combining bi...
Support and resistance levels can often be relatively close. The stock price bounces between the two levels, sometimes for a long time, without ever showing a long-term direction. Some traders focus on exploiting thesesideways trends. One strategy is to place short trades as the price touches ...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...