(2009), Transitions from hospital to residential aged care in Australia. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 28: 198–205. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-6612.2009.00376.x Author Information 1 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; and Faculty of Health, University of Canberra, Bruce, ACT, Australia 2 ...
Planning ratios and population growth: Will there be a shortfall in residential aged care by 2021 - Gibson, Liu - 1995Gibson D, Liu Z. 1994. Planning Ratios and Population Growth: Will there be a shortfall in residential aged care by 2021? Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and ...
In April 2023, quality of life (QOL) and quality of care experience (QCE) indicators were introduced as mandatory indicators in Australian residential aged care (RAC) to measure and monitor wellbeing and consumer experience respectively. In this study, we used data for the initial four months ...
The prevalence of both chronic diseases and multi-morbidity increases with longer life spans. As Australia's population ages, the aged care sector is under increasing pressure to ensure that quality aged care is available. Key to responding to this press
The statistics lead to Ms Kikkert introducing a separate motion last monthto increase the age of Canberra’s out of home care system from 18 to 21. According to the latest data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, there were just under 700 children in out of home ca...
Koob P. Australian Emergency Management Glossary,“Australian Emergency Manuals Series, Part I, The Fundamentals, Manual 3,” Emergency Management Australia Canberra; 1998, as quoted in the SRM Lexicon, srmbok Security Risk Management Body of Knowledge, Julian Talbot and Dr. Miles Jakeman (Carlton ...
instance, Zurich Children’s Pleasure Ground in Switzerland, where large and small pools are decorated with colorful colors, attracts a large number of children to play here; in the Pod Pleasure Ground in Canberra, Australia, the colors used in the venue are ingeniously combined with the color ...
The article presents an overview of an innovative clinical education model for residential aged care nurses called the Student Nurse-Led Wards model, which has been developed at the University of Canberra, Australia. A discussion of positive feedback which the model has received, and of the ...
Productivity Commission (2003), `Productivity Commission submission to the Review of Pricing Arrangements in Residential Aged Care', June.b, Productivity Commission submission to the Review of Pricing Arrangements in Residential Aged Care, Canberra, June....
health services research, nursing, residential aged care facilities, action researchAdditional informationFundingThe Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing (Canberra) provided financial support for this research as part of the “Encouraging Best Practice in Residential Aged Care” ...