The Leader of the Opposition, Anthony Albanese, spoke at the National Press Club in Canberra today, attacking the Morrison government over its handling of aged care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Albanese criticised the government over its handling of aged care deaths in Victoria during the coronav...
The article reports on the participation of two Queensland Nurses' Union (QNU) members Sue Pearman and Allana Johnson at the Because We Care campaign for aged people on February 3, 2010 in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory ...
Aged care nurses along with residents traveled to Canberra to Parliament House to request the Federal government in Australia to make the 2010 budget an aged care one. Some of the other activities undertaken are ...
GSO Care® Aged Care Software Innovative Exceptional SeminalGso Care Pty Ltd identified a gap in the ability of providers to continuously deliver consistent, quality Aged Care. Our intelligent event driven automation technology enables management to run a productive business using real time data. GSO...
Our student cohort, typically work in community services and are sourced from our stable of residential aged care home clients, disability support and community care service providers. Learning Materials Our training and assessment course materials are developed in-house, in consultation with our industr...
The fact that the DCE program is on track to train 17,000 staff is testimony to the willingness of aged care providers in Australia to spend scarce resources on training. The obstacle is not so much finding the funds to replace staff who are attending the training, but, more usually, ...
Wade states, ‘[i]n the clinical context, discussions, not definitions, establish what is meant’ [17] and this is reflected by those delivering aged care. Aged care providers report having a generalised understanding of the 3R approaches which allows them to adapt interventions to suit their ...
Definition Aged care homes provide residential accommodation of older adults who need some form of assistance with daily living and/or personal care due to varying degree of incapacity associated with the aging process. In order to cater for the different needs of the residents, a diverse workforce...
Under the principle of normalization (See“De-Institutionalization”), aged care home residents should be empowered to make meaningful choices as are typical citizens of comparable age in the community and be enabled to use their residual abilities to lead valued lives as normatively as possible (Wo...
While information-sharing was the initial thrust of the Empowered message, encouraging question-asking of health care providers subsequently became the dominant message. In this way, the Empowered campaign became somewhat of an iterative process, responding to the needs of attendees. Notably, much of...