Just for holding the card and paying the annual fee, you'll receive a $300 credit each year that will automatically cover any travel expense: flights, hotels, Airbnb, Uber, Lyft, cruises, parking, a Thrifty Traveler Premium subscription, and so on....
Just for holding the card and paying the annual fee, you'll receive a $300 credit each year that will automatically cover any travel expense: flights, hotels, Airbnb, Uber, Lyft, cruises, parking, a Thrifty Traveler Premium subscription, and so on. It's even easier to use than the cred...
This card puts your points earning potential in the fast lane with three Chase Ultimate Rewards points per dollar spent on travel purchases, including hotels, airfare, ground transportation like ride-share services,cruises, and evenAirbnb properties. Even if you don’t travel often, you’ve got...