New!Report: Closing the literacy gap for students in K–5 (published in 2023) Read more Overview: Accelerating literacy growth for SY 2020-21 (published in 2023) Report: Impact of Boost Reading on K–5 Student Growth (published in 2021) ...
Abstract Introduction Research gap and study objectives Method Results and discussions Conclusions and research agenda Availability of data and materials Abbreviations References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Rights and permissions About this article AdvertisementDiscover...
A significant gap persisted for online research and comprehension after we conditioned on pretest differences in offline reading, offline writing, and prior knowledge scores. The results of the questionnaire indicated that West Town students had greater access to the Internet at home and were required...
An official journal of the International Literacy Association,Reading Research Quarterlyis the leading global journal offering multidisciplinary scholarship on literacy among learners of all ages, including the latest research studies (methods, results, effects, findings, and implications). We publish reports...
Gap-Filling Task-Students read a sentence and complete it appropriately Other Examples-Includesmultiple-choiceand matching. The multiple-choice may focus on grammar, vocabulary, etc. Matching attempts to assess a students ability to pair similar items. ...
Out with the old, in with the new: Could plasma exchange be used to fill a therapeutic gap in neurology? The global tally of neurological disorders is exponentially rising and yet effective therapies for most remain evasive. There is a great deal of research i... JI Spencer,M Crane,M Pis...
The lack of empirical evidence in the discourse on the economic value of European LAE constitutes a major research gap that needs to be filled in order to better understand the link between this educational model and labour market preparedness. The present article aims to fill this gap by ...
new tasks but also in evaluating tasks developed by others. To bridge the gap, this article provides an overview of test psychology applied to performance tasks, covering fundamental concepts such as standardization, reliability, norming and validity. It provides practical guidelines for developing and...
The other gap type relates to the application of A, CA and IA in maintenance ‘operations’. They identify research gaps within specific ‘operations’ compared to those most advanced. That is why a road-map for future research in AR-maintenance applications. Although these gaps have already be...
Bridging the Gap Between Value and Policy Based Reinforcement Learning [arXiv] Deep Voice: Real-time Neural Text-to-Speech [arXiv] Beating the World's Best at Super Smash Bros. with Deep Reinforcement Learning [arXiv] The Game Imitation: Deep Supervised Convolutional Networks for Quick Video Ga...