大学英语Unit-Six--Generation-Gap SectionⅠListeningandSpeaking TuneIn Task1Directions:Youwillhearonewordreadfromeachgroup.Underlinetheletterbesidethewordyouhear.Task2 Directions:Inthispartyouwillhear10sentencestwice.Listencarefullyandfillintheblanks.ListenOn Task1WarmingUp—PatternsLearning Compliment...
5.许多人建议父母应该多倾听(listen to)孩子,这样他们就会发现缩小(narrow)父母和孩子之间的代沟(generation gap)容易了.6.我们认为保护和美化环境是我们的职责.7.随着(as)我们靠近大海,我们发现参加各种各样的海边活动是非常快乐的.8.对你来说掌握一些阅读技巧很重要,只有用这样的方式你才能快速地提高阅读能力.9....
16Part 1 Listening and Speaking (Period 1-2) Words and Expressions Step4 generation gap: 代沟,指两代人(年轻人与他们的父母) 之间的隔阂,主要表现在价值观、做事方 式、生活方式等方面,是普遍存在的一种 社会问题。也可以转指不同时代的技术之 间的差异。 you people: people可以表示(特指的)人们,人群...
Unit Six Generation Gap Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking Section Ⅱ Intensive Reading Section Ⅲ Grammar Section Ⅳ Applied Writing Section Ⅴ Reading Practice Section Ⅵ Cultural Tips Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking Tune In Task 1 Directions: You will hear one word read from each group. ...
TextA-Generation-GapPPT优秀课件 TextGenerationGap:UR2Old 1 Languagefocuses 1.AspresidentoftheWaltDisneyCompany’schildren’sbookandmagazinepublishingunit,RussellHamptonknowsathingortwoaboutteenagers.(para.1)knowathingortwoaboutsomething:略知一二,有所了解eg:Jackknowsathingortwoaboutsailing.杰克对航海颇有...
注册 外语学习 > 英语学习 > unit 3 generation 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 68阅读文档大小:313.5K9页ldjyzdxddb10上传于2015-02-03格式:PPT 大学英语听说教程第三册Unit 10 Generation Gap 热度: 新视野大学英语读写第二版第二单元 Unit 2 Section B Is There a Generation Gap ...
第一篇:My Opinion about Generation Gap My Opinion about Generation Gap 写一篇英文短文(至少120英文词),要求包括以下要点: 1.什么是代沟?有哪些表现? 2.它是新现象还是古已有之? 3.长生代沟的原因; 4.如何才能消除代沟? With the development of the society, parents are getting more and more difficult...
Mind the Gap: Learning to Choose Gaps for Question Generation, byLee Becker and Sumit Basu and Lucy Vanderwende[bib] Good Question! Statistical Ranking for Question Generation, byMichael Heilman and Noah A. Smith[bib] COLING Knowledge-enriched, Type-constrained and Grammar-guided Question Generatio...
Generation_Gap_between_parent_and_children 热度: The Relationship between Parents and Children 热度: the influence of the gap between parental and their children’s expectations on children’s academic attainment 热度: Generationgapbetweenparentsandchildren ...
Generation gap between parents and children Nowadays , there are more and more misunderstanding between parents and children which is so- called generation gap . It is estimated that (75 percentages of parents often complain their children's unreasonable behavior while children usually think their ...