sector guidelines for environmentally sensitive sectors (for example, Rabobankhasspecific requirements regardingimpacts on biodiversity for palm oil and soya), refraining from financing sectors [...] 采取的策略包括在 高生物多样性领域进行‘画红线’投资、对环境敏感 性行业制定行业...
However, the requirement to produce UNESS has the potential to be a significant burden for field offices and regional bureaux. 在基础设施的物质支持方面,教科文组织将 建造并装备一些半常设性的中学教室。 In parallel to the UNDAF process, the UNESCO Jakarta...
Priority1 –Therequirementisa “musthave”asoutlinedbypolicy/lawPriority2–Therequirementisneededforimprovedprocessing,andthefulfillmentoftherequirementwillcreateimmediatebenefits?Priority3–Therequirementisa“nicetohavewhich”mayincludenewfunctionalityItmaybehelpfultophrasetherequirementintermsofitspriority,e.g.,"The...
financial statements and the group management report for the business year from October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 satisfy the conditions required for the Company's exemption from its duty to prepare consolidated financial statements and the group management report in accordance with German law. ...
n the requirements for the validation and routine processing of ethylene 。xide sterilization ~rocesses using parametric release Appr。ved 30 June 2023 by AAM I Registered 2 7 Aug ust 2023 by Ame rican Nati。nal Standards Institute, Inc. Abstract: Providesguidance on the requirements of ISO 111...
Table2:LawsandregulatorypathwaysfordrugapprovalintheUS Law/ApplicationSmall-moleculedrugBiologics LawFood,DrugandCosmeticAct(FD&C)PublicHealthServiceAct(PHS) DrugapplicationNewDrugApplication(NDA)BiologicLicenseApplication(BLA) Genericapplication AbbreviatedNewDrugApplication ...
explained that by setting out clearly in the legislationtherequirementsontype approval, installation,sealingandmaintenance of speed limiters, as well as the penalties for offences, a clear [...] 她詢問為何仍然需要立法強制 規定公共小巴安裝車速限制器。政府當局解釋,透過立...
2.2.1. Pre-Storm Surveyed Bathymetry This bathymetry represents what can be anticipated to be the "best case", whereby an in situ survey completed shortly prior to each individual storm is used as the initial bottom boundary condition for XBeach modelling. At Narrabeen, these pre-storm surf ...
Because the land requirement for algae is one-tenth that of the oil palm, the microalgae can theoretically produce 10 times more oil than the oil palm in a same area. Considering the advantages of microalgae, Japan has started to develop them as an energy feedstock at Minamisoma City, ...
TheCMCrequirementsforbiosimilarsintheEU arethosedescribedintheICHCommonTechnical Document(CTD)QualityModule3withsupplemental informationdemonstratingcomparabilityorsimilarity onqualityattributestothereferencemedicineprod- uct.SincetheUSisamemberofICHandencourages ...