Specifications on the settlement of the requirement class, for example, the settlement profile and the results analysis key, are preferably used by Materials Management and do not have to be used when configuring the availability check and transfer of requirements. The requirement class specifies t...
For Strategy 40 requirment class are 101, requirement type VSF, Customer req type is KSV SPRO > Production> MRP > Master data> define strategy Requirement type and Requirement Class decide the way PIRs and CIRs be treated by system. The requirement Class is assigned to Strategy which in tu...
And this requirement type is going to be assigned to the Requirement Class in the Availability Check. Requirement Class specifies,whether the Availiability check should be done or not. You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register ...
In there checking rule AQ is passed together with special stock indicator Q and account type Q (all derived from req. class). If no WBS is specified, you get that error. You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and si...
Requirement type determines the following points: 1. Consumption of Independent req & customer req. 2. How warehouse stock taken into account. 3. Make to order or Make to stock. 4. Planned order can be released or not. Requirement class is assigned with requirement type. PIR requirement type...
There is a configuration for TOR under basic functions in SD which has requirement class,requirement type. TOR is related to the availability thry requirement class.You have to check the availability field in the requirement class. Reward points if it helpful Regards Govind. You must be a regist...
There should be some parameter in the requirement class configuration which makes the material and requirement type non-editable in sales order. SivaPrasad_Vasireddy Active Contributor 2016 Feb 11 0 Kudos Hi, can you specify from which Requirement class the YUK is copied Maybe you will gett...
Learn more about the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging.KnownMonikers.TestSuiteRequirement in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging namespace.
SAP MM 采购订单的Output Type NEU要等其它Output完成后才能成功输出 笔者所在的项目里,某个流程里的采购订单的打印输出使用标准output type NEU.不过它需要在另外一个...实现方式如下: 在PO output procedure里,NEU这个output type的配置里,维护一个requirement 901...检查901这个requirement的源代码, 这个requirement...
| If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to || find an interim solution in an SAP Note. || If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following || keywords: || || "UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION" "CX_WD_CONTEXT" || "...