In SD area, In OVZH u will assign req type to req class. In PP area, this requirement class is defined in OMPO transaction where u will maintain Planning indicator,consumption indicator etc... In SD area, u will maintain it in OVZG transaction. Thanks and Regds Sridhara K N Show repl...
When the source value is set = 1, In case the value fof MRP type is left as blank and only the value of RT is entered in the customizing table, is the system able to acquire and assign in the SD item a RT for all MRP types coming from material master records, or rather the MR...
For e.g a customer has ordered 100 goods but you have only 50 in stock so TOR would determine that you have to manufacture or procure goods so that they are available at the time of delivery. There is a configuration for TOR under basic functions in SD which has requirement class,require...
SAP Managed Tags: MAN Production Planning (PP) Hi, (1) Can anyone explain the following requirement types inlayman's terms: LSF (Make-to-stock production) VSF (Planning with final assembly) VSE (Planning without final assembly) (2) Upon transfer to demand management, how to determine which...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution), SD Sales Hi All, I am ABAP developer using BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 for the creation of sales order. The Bapi will be called from external system to post sales order in SAP ERP. Orders items in Order partners Order schedules in The...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) Hello Everyone, I have two different orders for 2 different order types, both for MTO material. These are dummy materials which needs to be replaced when actual material is ready to deliver. Now i want to change the dummymaterials in both the...
In-memory database support for every workload with performance increases up to 30-100x Incredible Data Warehousing performance with the #1, #2 and #3 TPC-H 10 Terabyte benchmarks for non-clustered performance, and as of March 7, the #1 SAP SD Two-Tier performance benchmark on Windows1 Bu...
Activities 3.3. Activities The main activities of the proposed framework are shown in Figure 4. The process starts when the inteTghrea mtoarimn aackteivsitainesd ohf atnhde lpersotphoeseredq furairmemeweonrtks sapree csihfiocwatni oinn Foifgtuhree a4p....