eslint根据eslint配置文件的parserOption,知道了要使用babel对代码进行解析,但是解析babel需要使用babel配置文件,由于找不到配置文件(babel配置文件默认需要放在根目录下),所以会报错。因此,添加requireConfigFile: false,本质上是告诉eslint,不用查找这个配置文件了,虽然表面上可以解决这个报错,但是在babel配置文件里写的东...
Hi, The new version of requirejs looks really promising but I have a little issue. Previously I used the !order plugin to load a main config file which was used for the normal page, tests and other places. For instance, the file was load...
varConfigFile =require('requirejs-config-file').ConfigFile; read // Read: reading the configvarconfigFile =newConfigFile('path/to/some/requirejs-config.js'));varconfig =;console.log(config);// is an object with the found config modify (read and write) // Modify: re...
if(options.requireConfigFile!==false){ constconfig=loadPartialConfig(opts); if(config!==null){ if(!config.hasFilesystemConfig()){ thrownewError( `No Babel config file detected for${ config.options.filename }. Either disable config file checking with requireConfigFile: false, or configure Bab...
once(dirname(__FILE__)."/./config_uc.php"); 假设当前文件为d:/wwwroot/dedecms/index.php结果为 require_once("d:/wwwroot/dedecms/config_uc.php");另外/./config_uc.php 中./为当前目录 require_once(str_replace('/tieba','',dirname(__FILE__))."/./config_uc.php");...
package.json 里 "requirejs": "^2.1.20" , 用2.1.20没有问题,2.2 就报错, 难道是配置写法有问题??? gulp.task('require',function(taskReady) {varrequirejsConfig ={ baseUrl:'./src', name:'js/main', paths: {}, optimize:'uglify',//'uglify';mainConfigFile: './src/js/require_config...
A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined variable: config Filename: front/quotation.php Line Number: 6 Backtr
A tiny utility to make easy to create command line tools that require a config file in an easy way - GitHub - royriojas/clix: A tiny utility to make easy to create command line tools that require a config file in an easy way
I have included my settings.json file code as well as the message I am getting output portion after trying to save. Please Advise :-) these are the settings I have in settings.json { "prettier.requireConfig": true, "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode", ...
require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/./config_uc.php"); 一、__FILE__php定义的为当前文件路径及文件名的常量,如: d:/wwwroot/dedecms/index.php 二、dirname(__FILE__) 为函数,取得文件路径的目录名; echo dirname("d:/wwwroot/dedecms/index.php")结果为:d:/wwwroot/dedecms ...