eslint根据eslint配置文件的parserOption,知道了要使用babel对代码进行解析,但是解析babel需要使用babel配置文件,由于找不到配置文件(babel配置文件默认需要放在根目录下),所以会报错。因此,添加requireConfigFile: false,本质上是告诉eslint,不用查找这个配置文件了,虽然表面上可以解决这个报错,但是在babel配置文件里写的东...
"prettier.requireConfig": true, "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode", "editor.fontSize": 16, "editor.tabSize": 2, "prettier.useEditorConfig": false, "prettier.printWidth": 80, "workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme", ...
I prefer to keep this setting to false so it doesn't include conditional required dependencies. Points 1 and 5 are not ideal since the application is used in 2 or 3 files (normal, unit test and speed test). The point 2 looks fine but there is a possible issue. The config need to ...
false by default. **If you do want to enable colors without passing this option you can set the environment variable __CLIX_COLORED_OUTPUT__ to true doing: export __CLIX_COLORED_OUTPUT__=true Install npm i --save-dev clix Usage // ./bin/cli.js #!/usr/bin/env node var program...
browserField:false, conditions:[], overrideConditions:['node'], dedupe:[], extensions:DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS, preserveSymlinks:false, packageCache, isRequire, }, false, )?.id } constisESMFile=(id:string):boolean=>{ if(id.endsWith('.mjs'))returntrue ...