The Republican Party of the State of Maine, with reverence for God, pride in our leadership, and confidence in the guiding principles of our party, offers this PLATFORM as a place where all Republicans from every ethnic and racial background, every age and economic level, can STAND to suppor...
特朗普在2024-republican-party-platform描绘了自己的未来蓝图。 其中三大创新方向分别是Crypto、AI、Space。
Open Document In 1845, the Republican Party was founded in response to the Kansas Nebraska Act in north. The Republican Party began with citizens forming who opposed slavery in the early 1850s. The Republican Party platform called for a repeal of the fugitive slave law. The platform of the ...
Republican Party platform embraces FDA reformingentaconnectGRAY SHEET
Normally [platforms] have more of a plan so you know what you’re getting when you vote for a particular party.” Notably, the platform leaves out abortion in its list of promises. Later in the document, though, it says the party will oppose late term abortions. READ:...
As Ratified By The 2008 Maine Republican Party State Convention on May 3, 2008 We believe the defense of our safety and sovereignty is the primary responsibility of the national government. We believe we must protect our country and fellow citizens by su
Conservative lawmakers have learned that things don’t go well if they break with their party. July 12, 2024 Additional Live Streams Additional Live Streams Live ABC News Live Live A view of the red carpet for final preparations for the Oscars ...
A party platform calling homosexuality “an abnormal lifestyle choice.” Also the Log Cabin Republicans, which represents gay Republicans, was blocked from having a booth at the conference. Another part of the platform called for teaching schoolchildren about “the humanity of the preborn child,”...
Source: Copy of the printed platform at the Maine State Law Library. MEMBERS OF THE 1972 MAINE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM COMMITTEE Officers: Wakine Tanous, Chairmam Larry Simpson, Vice Chairman Elaine Weeks, Secretary COUNTY REPRESENTED, County Representative ANDROSCOGGIN Herbert Bunker AROOSTOOK Ray Lamoreau...
Robin TonerDavid D. Kirkpatrick