Then again, a party could have a ten-point campaign plan independent of the party platform. While there’s little evidence that it was a major factor in the 1994 landslide that returned the House to GOP control for the first time in decades, the “Contract with America” was that sort of...
Section 1.Any citizen, national, or legal resident of the United States of voting age in New York State with a general preference for, or sympathy with, the principles of the Republican Party and a desire to promote the objects of the Club as outlined in these Bylaws shall be eligible for...
That’s why DeMaio’s plan to “Reform CAGOP” isn’t focused on just who leads the party, but instead on fixing the underlying structural issues that have caused the party to collapse over the last 30 years. Read the plan below and sign the petition to demand candidates for CA...
He became the leader of a broad movement in new hybrid Whig Party and anti-slave activists in the Known Nothings (etc) that produced the Republican Party. A major rift had formed in America over the economically entrench slavery and those who were not economically bound to slavery who had ...
America becoming a cradle-to-grave welfare state That’s exactly what’s happening ...And More...Join us When: April 15, 2009 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Where: Walden Road Post Office Walden Road @ I-10 Beaumont, TX Please
If a firm has an index value of 1, this means that the managers in this firm are strongly affiliated with the Republican Party. If a firm has an index value of 0, this implies one of the following outcomes for the managers of this firm: (i) they do not contribute to political ...
Political Affiliation: Republican Party See all related content Frank Orren Lowden (born January 26, 1861, Sunrise City, Minnesota, U.S.—died March 20, 1943, Tucson, Arizona) was an American lawyer and politician, governor of Illinois (1917–21), and a leading contender for the Republican...
The rise of Donald Trump within the Republican Party began to shift the caucus’s ideology. Initially, the Freedom Caucus was not uniformly supportive of Trump; his populist, less ideologically pure approach to conservatism was at odds with its more traditional conservative views. Yet, as Trump’...
Abraham Lincoln - Road to Presidency, Stephen A. Douglas, Republican Party: For about five years Lincoln took little part in politics, and then a new sectional crisis gave him a chance to reemerge and rise to statesmanship. In 1854 his political rival St
Republican Party See all related content Tommy Thompson(born November 19, 1941, Elroy, Wisconsin, U.S.) is an American politician, who served as governor ofWisconsin(1987–2001) and as U.S. secretary of health and human services (2001–05) and who sought theRepublicannominationfor president ...