The results for Example A provided in the supplementary file include the fit indices of the hypothesized model, which show that \({\chi }^{2}\) with 164 degrees of freedom = 181.00, RMSEA = 0.017, CFI = 0.994, and SRMR = 0.033, indicating that our measurement model ...
The literature search, or information re- trieval process, not only informs the results of a systematic review; it is the underlying process that estab- lishes the data available for analysis. Additional compo- nents of the systematic review process such as screening, d...
The literature search is usually conducted at the initial stage of the production of a systematic review. As a consequence, the results of a search may be outdated before the review is published [124,125,126]. The last search in a review should be conducted ideally less than 6 months befor...
The literature search is usually conducted at the initial stage of the production of a systematic review. As a consequence, the results of a search may be outdated before the review is published [124,125,126]. The last search in a review should be conducted ideally less than 6 months befor...
Altogether, in the 19 studies selected, the authors reported results from 42 main statistical techniques. The analyses were quite varied. They included descriptive statistics and graphical plots, chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests, independent and paired t-tests, ANOVAs and Kruskal–Wallis tests,...
Thereafter, Chi square test was used to analyze two categories of participants (professional nurses and data capturers) opinion about the causes of discrepancies in PMTCT data reporting and what can be done to address the discrepancies at district and sub-district level, with the p-value to ...
(correct) vs. SD or SEM). As tertiary/exploratory outcome, we examined whether authors stated a directed hypothesis. Statistical evaluation was performed using chi-square analyses.Results: We observed significant trends for all analyses (p< 0.001) and between category comparisons (p< 0.002). For...
The main function behind the conceptualization of creative accounting is maintaining the quality of financial reporting practice. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of researchers for decades, especially in the banking sector, concerning its wid
The data were summarised using descriptive statistics, while the chi-square test was used to assess categorical variables at p < 0.05. The overall percent score in the knowledge and attitude domains was divided into groups of “poor”, “moderate”, and “good” knowledge, as well as “...
A Hausman test is conducted to ascertain the most suitable model for the dataset, yielding a chi-square statistic of 7.15 with a p-value of 0.8478. As the p-value is above the threshold of 0.05, the null hypothesis, which has no correlation between the error terms and independent variables...