高二英语reported-speech课件。Reported speech I will go to see a film during the weekend. What did Shirley say she would do during Reported speech I will go to see a film during the weekend. What did Shirley say she would do during the weekend? She said she would go to see a film ...
1、Reported speech,Definiton(定义): 直接引语:直接引用别人的原话,并在原话前后加引号。 例:He said: It is too late. 间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话,多数以宾语从句的形式构成。 例:He said it was too late.,人称的变化:,在间接引语当中,人称要根据句子的意思做出相应的变化。如: 第一人称 第三人称...
_wants to invite _ to take part in _ party on Friday .he ushis quotation mark “”Direct Speech Reported Speech 2021/7/234 I will prepare some drinks and snacks for 2、 that party . I really like to take part in your party . We will have a good time there .“”2021/7/235“I...
下载得到文件列表 ReportedSpeechPPT演示.ppt 相关文档 文档介绍文档介绍:Reported speechDefiniton(定义): 直接引语:直接引用别人的原话,并在原话前后加引号。 例:He said:" It is too late." 间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话,多数以宾语从句的形式构成。 例:He said it was too late.人称的变化:...
本作品内容为Reported-Speech宾语从句,格式为ppt,大小1.5M,页数为27, 请使用Microsoft Office相关软件打开,作品中主体文字及图片可替换修改,文字修改可直接点击文本框进行编辑,图片更改可选中图片后单击鼠标右键选择更换图片,也可根据自身需求增加和删除作品中的内容文本。 你可能感兴趣的 个人求职简历 简历通用求职简历...
he us his quotation mark “” Direct Speech Reported Speech I will prepare some drinks and snacks for that party . I really like to take part in your party . We will have a good time there . “““”””“I really like to take part in your party . ” __ She she his ___ says...
Reportedspeech Iwillgotoseeafilmduringtheweekend.WhatdidShirleysayshewoulddoduringtheweekend?Shesaidshewouldgotoseeafilmduringtheweekend.ListentotheinterviewwithHuangLiliwhoisanacrobaticartist,andwritedownthreequestionsthatthejournalistaskedher.1.Whendidyoudecidetobeadancer?IaskedHuangliliWhenshehaddecidedtobea...
小学英语课件 REPORTED SPEECH STEPBYSTEP Reportingquestionsisverysimilartoreportingstatements Wechangereferencestopeople,placesandtimesaswell…buttherearesomedifferences.“Whatareyoudoing?”Tomasked.Tomasked(me)whatIwasdoing.stbWaNWeteoceeawpmDnulaeosAOwcenwlNestetso’hptTp,helrslaFeeaowcOmcqeweoRuotreGth...