direct speech and reported speech 星级: 21 页 Direct Speech and Reported Speech 星级: 23 页 reported speech 2012 (2) 星级: 30 页 reported speech 星级: 4 页 Direct Speech and Reported Speech 星级: 21 页 direct speech and reported speech 星级: 22 页 reported speech 星级: 25 页 ...
Click here for a list of reported speech exercises. Click here to download this explanation in PDF. Reported Statements When do we use reported speech? Sometimes someone says a sentence, for example "I'm going to the cinema tonight". Later, maybe we want to tell someone else what the firs...
Reported Speech: In this article, you will be introduced to reported speech, its meaning and definition, how and when to use it. You can also check out the examples given for a much better understanding of reported speech.
Reported speech(间接引语)学案 Step 1 Definitions(定义) 直接引语就是___ 间接引语就是___ Step 2 The choice of the connections (引导词的选择) 圈出下列间接引语中的引导词。 1 The English teacher said that she liked English. 2 The physics teacher asked us if/whether we could swim. 3 The ...
DIRECTSPEECHREPORTEDSPEECH(nobackshift)REPORTEDSPEECH(backshift) “IspeakEnglish.”Hesays * (that)hespeaksEnglish.Hesaid * (that)hespokeEnglish. *Whenreportingstatementsbyusingreportingverbssuchassayandtell,thatisfrequentlyomittedinspokenEnglish. Whentransformingstatements,checkwhetheritisnecessarytochange: ...
高二英语reported-speech课件。Reported speech I will go to see a film during the weekend. What did Shirley say she would do during Reported speech I will go to see a film during the weekend. What did Shirley say she would do during the weekend? She said she would go to see a film ...
1、引述主詞人稱要改 時態往前推Direct speech"I play football" "I am playing football" "I have played football" "I played football" "I was playing football" "I had played football" "I had been playing football" "I will play football" &quo 2、t;I can play football""I should go to ...
For any speaker, the ability to report the speech of oneself and of others involves a complex interplay of cognitive, linguistic and pragmatic factors. Depending on the form of reporting used, a speaker must be able to produce utterances which contain embedded clauses (e.g. Fran said that ...
高二英语reported-speech课件。 手机打鱼九盛电玩 [单选]安全库存量可以设立得较高的是()商品的管理策略。A.定期订货B.A类C.B类D.C类 [填空题]计算机病毒检测的常用方法中()能够准确检测出具 手机打鱼九盛电玩 [单选]安全库存量可以设立得较高的是()商品的管理策略。A.定期订货B.A类...
_wants to invite _ to take part in _ party on Friday .he ushis quotation mark “”Direct Speech Reported Speech 2021/7/234 I will prepare some drinks and snacks for 2、 that party . I really like to take part in your party . We will have a good time there .“”2021/7/235“I...