B2-21 Reported SpeechShe said that she wanted to visit Europe.Conversation 1Woman: Where is Susan? She told me she was coming over.Man: She just texted me. She said she would be a little late.Woman: Oh, really? What was the reason she gave?Man: She said she is stuck in traffic....
Reported speechLearning problems of reported speechSuggested teaching issuesThe purpose of this paper is to underscore some common difficulties such as comprehension, word order, reporting verbs and pronunciation, that A2-B2 learners face in learning English reported speech...doi...
Talking while walking: Cognitive loading and injurious falls in Parkinson's disease. Int. J. Speech-Lang. Pathol. 2010, 12, 455–459. [CrossRef] 64. Yogev, G.; Plotnik, M.; Peretz, C.; Giladi, N.; Hausdorff, J.M. Gait asymmetry in patients with Parkinson's disease and elderly ...