Reported Speech 当你要把人地既说话复述出唻既时候 你就需要用到reported speech. 中文例子: 小明: “今日我无返学.” 之后你复述时会讲: 小明话今日佢无返学. Reported speech 内 引号无左 而我会变成佢. 当句子由direct 改成reported speech 时 需要作以下既改变. Present tense ...
8、Students learn how to usereported speechto report in statements, yes/no questions, wh-questions and imperative sentences in this part.(通过讲练法让学生学会在陈述句,疑问句和祈使句中的具体用法。用例句为学生创设语境。) 9、It is reported that the news conference, not to question time, a repo...
Reported speech is an important aspect of the English language. We use it to let others know what someone has said or written. In this reference, we will discuss what reported speech is, see a few examples of reported speech as well as learn its rules and grammar. What is reported speech?
Direct speech: “I likethiscar.” Reported speech: He said (that) he likedthatcar. Direct speech: “I went to Tokyolast week.” Reported speech: She said (that) she’d been to Tokyothe week before. Meaning We use reported speech to tell someone what another person said: Jim says to ...
Complete the sentences using reported speech. 1 Peter says, "I am going to the cinema." Peter says 2 Mr Chang tells his son, "Wash your hands." Mr Chang tells his son 3 The police officer asks him, "What is your name?" The police officer asks him ...
Look at these example sentences:He said: "It is cold in here." → He said that it was cold in there. He said: "How much is this book?" → He asked how much the book was.Here are some common place words, showing how you change them for reported speech:...
Complete the sentences using reported speech. 1 "I am going to the beach," said Henry. Henry said 2 Mr Lee told his son, "Do your homework." Mr Lee told his son 3 The police officer asked him, "Where are you going?" The police officer asked him ...
TheReportedSpeech…Weusuallyusea'reportingverb'like'say'or'tell‘.Forexample:Hetoldmethathelovedme.Hesaidtomethathewantedtomarryme.ReportingVerbs…Say&Tell With‘tell'weNEEDtousethedirectobject('me‘,‘you’,‘us’).Johntoldme(that)hewasgoingtobelate.With'say'weCANorCAN’Tusethedirect...
Another example: Direct speech: Where is Julie? Reported speech: She asked me where Julie was. The direct question is the present simple of 'be'. We make the question form of the present simple of be by inverting (changing the position of)the subject and verb. So, we need to change ...
1. Bill said that he could win this game. 2.Sara told me that she was writing a poem. 3. Li Mei told me that swimming was harder than running. 4.Zhang Ting said that her grandmother was from Russia.1.本题考查直接引语变间接引语。 改写过中要注意把句中的第一人 称改为第三人称。 句...