这是一道含一般疑问句的直接引语变间接引语的习题.那要用到if或whether引导,且用陈述句语序.通常said to要改成asked.另外还要注意时态的变化. (3).【答案】 He said that he was glad to receive my e-mail. 【解析】 这是一道直接引语变间接引语的训练题.直接引语是陈述句,所以要用that引导,另外还要考虑...
Direct speech: Jane: “I don’t like living here.”(Jane is referring to herself) Reported speech: Jane said (that) she didn’t like living here.(The pronounsherefers toJane) Other words about place and time may also need to be changed. Direct speech: “I likethiscar.” Reported spee...
First you play the role of li yang fang and then the role of Susan you partner Mike has and Kim sun you are at the airport to meet you visitor you know each other so great you visit first talk with him and then take him to the hotel. Pledged to meet you representative someone answe...
With practice, finding the parts of speech in a sentence can be easy. Learn the basic parts of speech first. Nouns, verbs and adjectives are the main three parts of speech. Other parts of speech, such as adverbs, are subsections of these basic parts. A noun is defined as a person, ...
After this time, the output is purged. Due to multilingual and emoji support, the response might contain text offsets. See how to process offsets for more information.In the above example, the API might return the following summarized sentences:...
As the heart of sentences and clauses, verbs show what the subject is doing or feeling, even if they’re just existing. Verbs are also the only type of word that’s absolutely necessary to make a sentence. Not even nouns, which represent things, need to be in every sentence. ...
However, they can be fixed in several simple ways: by changing the comma to a period; by changing the comma to a semicolon if the sentences are closely related; or by adding a coordinating conjunction, also known as a FANBOYS word (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so). For instan...
Keep in mind that an elevator pitch is supposed to be just a few sentences, so feel free to double up some parts in the same sentence. Let’s take a closer look at what each part should be. 1Introduction Just as it sounds, the introduction is where you say your name and/or the na...
The speech(object)was given(verb)by the teacher(subject). The event(object)was canceled(verb). When you use passive voice, the object comes first, then the verb and the subject. Passive sentences include a form of “to be” (in the example above, “was”), a past participle (“drunk...
Plagiarism (scan your drafts using a plagiarism checker and anAI detector for essaysto prevent duplications or artificial text patterns) Grammatical mistakes (“you’re” vs. “your”, “it’s” vs. “its”, “their” vs. “there’re”, incomplete sentences and subject/verb disagreement are ...