在Stata中处理“repeated time values in sample”这类问题时,通常是因为在处理时间序列或面板数据时,时间变量中存在重复值。这种情况常见于面板数据(panel data),其中每个观测单位(如个体或公司)在不同的时间点有多个观测值。当使用tsset或xtset命令设置时间变量时,如果这些时间值在样本中重复出现,就会触发这个错误。
stata repeated time values in sample Stata是一种数据分析工具,它可以用于处理和分析样本中的重复时间值。在处理样本数据时,一些数据值经常会多次出现,例如重复测量数据、多次采样数据等。因此,为了更详细地分析这些数据,必须对重复时间值进行处理。 在Stata中,有几种方法可用于处理样本中的重复时间值。其中,最常见...
应在先告诉 Stata 那个是时间变量。完整代码如下: sysuse sp500, clear tsset date gen open_lag1=l1.open 对于panel 数据,使用 tsset year 语句会报错(错误信息显示为:stata repeated time values in sample)。因为对于面板数据而言,需要两个维度的标识才能确定每一行观察值的位置,使用 tsset 时要求 year 值不...
FromYoshiro Nagao <dengue_aedes@yahoo.co.jp> Tostatalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu Subjectst: repeated time values in sample DateMon, 30 Jan 2006 22:50:12 +0900 (JST) Dear all, I insheeted a new data file, and tried to "tsset" a variable: *** . tsreport time variable not set, use ...
[tsset panelid time], however when i attempt to use the varbasic syntax i get the following error: repeated time values in sample r(451); I searched through the literature and some of the related posts from the Stata support website, but have not found any indication as to how I might...
请问Stata用什么命令提取字符串变量前2个汉字或前n个汉字? 一个汉字占3位。 g x=substr(province,1,6) 解决stata15中文乱码的问题 cd D:\stata15\ado\personal\mypaper * Unicode all .dta files in CWD and files in sub-directories . ua: unicode encoding set gb18030 ...
All analyses were performed in Stata version 15.1 (StataCorp). Results Figure 1 illustrates the cohort development from all ED visits between April 1, 2020, and September 30, 2021. There was a total of 12 848 patients with 16 987 ED encounters (mean [SD] age, 53 [20] years; 9714...
This inconsistency could be due to several factors such as (1) small sample size; (2) differences in sampling methods; (3) non-reliable measures of iron status; (4) results based on a single measurement of iron status (which can fluctuate markedly within individuals over time); (5) ...
Stata will allow me >>> to run [tsset panelid time], however when i attempt to use the varbasic >>> syntax i get the following error: >>> >>> repeated time values in sample >>> r(451); >>> >>> I searched through the literature and some of the related posts from the >>> ...
st: TS Var Panel Data error - Repeated Time Values in Sample From: Michael K Romano <michael.k.romano@wmich.edu> Re: st: TS Var Panel Data error - Repeated Time Values in Sample From: Nick Cox <njcoxstata@gmail.com> Prev by Date: Re: st: how to create a loop for all the...