To tune the organization of the data in DB2 database, you can use thereorgchkandreorgcommands. You can reorganize table spaces to improve access performance and to reorganize indexes so that they are more efficiently clustered. Thereorgchkcommand does the following operations: ...
You must run this command from the CLPPlus interface. Authorization You must haveSELECTprivilege on the catalog tables. You must haveEXECUTEprivilege on the REORGCHK_IX_STATS procedure. Restriction Support for this command is limited toDB2® for Linux, UNIX, and Windowsservers. Required connection...
Toupdatestatisticsonallthetablesoragroupoftablesin DB2,youcanusetheREORGCHKcommandwith theUPDATESTATISTICSoption. 要对DB2中所有表或一组表的统计信息进行更新,可使用REORGCHK命令以及UPDATESTATISTICS选项。 5. REORGCHKcanalsoinvokeRUNSTATSbeforeexaminingthestatistics. ...
I have looked at the DB2 manuals and they give a brief overview or the formulas. Is there a redbook artical that goes in depth of what should be done to resolve each of the F1, F2, F3, F4, ETC... Thanks... Tired of spending 12 hours every weekend reorging the tables and inde...
REORGCHAR(5)Un champ de 5 caractères, chaque caractère étant mappé à l'une des cinq formules: F4, F5, F6, F7et F8; un tiret signifie que la valeur de la formule se trouve dans la plage recommandée ; un astérisque indique que la valeur de la formule se trouve en dehors de ...
You must run this command from the CLPPlus interface. Authorization You must haveSELECTprivilege on the catalog tables. You must haveEXECUTEprivilege on the REORGCHK_IX_STATS procedure. Restriction Support for this command is limited toDB2® for Linux, UNIX, and Windowsservers. ...