When the LONGLOBDATA option is not specified, only the table row data is reorganized. The following table describes the behavior of KEEPDICTIONARY syntax in REORG command when the LONGLOBDATA option is not specified. 1. 2. 3. 4. RESETDICTIONARY If the COMPRESS attribute for the table is YE...
[db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 reorg table db2inst1.t_01xff index DB2INST1.I_T_01XFF allowreadaccess DB20000I The REORGcommandcompleted successfully. --在线reorg table [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 reorg table db2inst1.t_01xff inplace allow write access DB20000I The REORGcommandcompleted ...
db2 => load query table emp Tablestate: Reorg Pending 解决办法,参照6.1中的“User response”描述,使用REORG TABLE命令: db2 => reorg table emp DB20000I The REORG command completed successfully. 修改完成后,再次添加主键: db2 => alter table emp add primary key(empno) DB20000I The SQL command c...
二、执行实际的表重组(对已有的数据进行重组压缩):reorg table tableName resetdictionary 会执行很长时间,如果表里数据量较大的话 执行10个小时不在话下 所以直接在DB2服务器上 把命令放脚本里 在后台执行 用有dba权限的用户pusinst1执行 nohup /home/pusinst1/reorg_table.sh & ...
ReorganizethetableusingtheREORGTABLEcommand(notethatINPLACEREORGTABLEisnotallowedforatablethatisinthereorgpendingstate). 其中: reorgtable<tablename>通过重构行来消除“碎片”数据并压缩信息,对表进行重组。 runstatsontable<tbschema>.<tbname>收集表<tbname>的统计信息。 reorgchkontableall确定是否需要对表进行...
PS:REORG TABLE本身是DB2的command,不是正常的SQL语句(Statement)。如果在非命令行环境中想使用REORG的话,可以像下面那样调用存储过程间接执行REORG操作,执行前确保你所使用的帐号有调用这个存储过程的权限: CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD('reorg table my_test') ...
} db2ReorgStruct; union db2ReorgObject { struct db2ReorgTable tableStruct; struct db2ReorgIndexesAll indexesAllStruct; }; typedef SQL_STRUCTURE db2ReorgTable { char *pTableName; char *pOrderByIndex; char *pSysTempSpace; char *pLongTempSpace; char *pPartitionName; } db2ReorgTable; typedef SQL_STR...
reorgType Input. Specifies the type of reorganization. Valid values (defined indb2ApiDfheader file, located in theincludedirectory) are: DB2REORG_OBJ_TABLE_OFFLINE Reorganize the table offline. This value is equivalent to the CLASSIC table clause of the REORG command. ...
linuxdb2 [COMMAND] [OPTIONS] “` 3. 常用命令选项: –`-d`:指定要连接的数据库。 –`-u`:指定连接数据库所用的用户名。 –`-p`:指定连接数据库所用的密码。 –`-a`:指定执行SQL语句的文件。 –`-l`:查看或设置日志文件的配置。 4. 常用命令操作: ...