在R语言中,可以用函数data.frame()生成数据框,其调用格式如下: data.frame(..., row.names = NULL, check.rows = FALSE,...) 1. 其用法与列表的相同,输入以下命令,观察其运行效果。 fruit=c("apple","banana","pear") price=c(1,1,1.5) buy=c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE) x=data.frame(fruit,price,buy...
程序例: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { char oldname[80], newn...
#' * Rows are not affected. #' * Column names are changed; column order is preserved. #' * Data frame attributes are preserved. #' * Groups are updated to reflect new names. #' @section Methods: #' This function is a **generic**, which means that packages can provide #' implement...
Example 1: Rename One Column Name in R For the following examples, I’m going to use theiris data set. Let’s have a look how the data looks like: data(iris)# Load iris data sethead(iris)# First 6 rows of iris Table 1: First 6 Rows of the Iris Data Set. The data table cons...
R语言dplyrrenameR语言实战 1.R语言入门操作1.1、目的掌握R语言的基本操作掌握R语言的基本运算掌握R语言存取数据的办法1.2、使用如果是虚拟机环境:首先打开终端:输入R进入R环境 如果是windows环境:点击对应的客户端软件即可cd ~R1.2.1 赋值操作1.2.1.1 数值赋值a <- 100 a结果为:[1] 100或者b = 100 b结果为...
library('data.table') for (dt in unique(rename_vars$df) ) { df_rows <- (rename_vars$df == dt) # get row indices matching data frame name old <- rename_vars$var[df_rows] # old names new <- rename_vars$rename_to[df_rows] # new names setDT(get(dt)) # convert to data tabl...
#' * Rows are not affected. #' * Column names are changed; column order is preserved. #' * Data frame attributes are preserved. #' * Groups are updated to reflect new names. #' @section Methods: #' This function is a **generic**, which means that packages can provide #' implement...
R语言 dplyr rename R语言实战 1.R语言入门操作1.1、目的掌握R语言的基本操作掌握R语言的基本运算掌握R语言存取数据的办法1.2、使用如果是虚拟机环境:首先打开终端:输入R进入R环境 如果是windows环境:点击对应的客户端软件即可cd ~ R1.2.1 赋值操作1.2.1.1 数值赋值a <- 100 a结果为:[1] 100或者b = 100 ...