ncolumns: 正整数,表示保存到文件中数据的列数,若是字符型数据,默认值为1;若是数值型数据,默认值为5 append: 逻辑变量,取值为TRUE时,表示在已有文件上添加数据;取值为FALSE(默认值)时,写入一个新文件 例如:在R中输入以下命令,观察其运行效果: A<-matrix(1:25,ncol =5) A 1. 2. 结果为: [,1] [,2...
66 R dplyr: rename variables using string functions 11 Rename columns by pattern in R Hot Network Questions Is this a misstatement of Euclid in Halmos' Naive Set Theory book? Why are some Cloudflare challenges CPU intensive? Did Queen (or Freddie Mercury) really not like Star Wars?
Or do you want toreplace some variable namesof your data, but keep the other columns like they are? Above, you can find the basic R code for these three data situations. For further illustration, I’m going to show you in the following tutorial how to rename a column in R, based on...
The best way to rename columns in R In my opinion, the best way to rename variables in R is by using therename()function fromdplyr. As I’ve written about several times,dplyrand several other packages from R’s Tidyverse (liketidyrandstringr), have the best tools for core data manipul...